
Jun 26, 2006 23:59

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abelard369 June 27 2006, 16:10:32 UTC
This part makes me ponder about how they will end BSG. I've read people's spec about how Kara will sacrifice herself in the end (which would be something she would totally do. Especially if it saved Lee and the Old Man; the rest of humanity would just be a bonus) But I am absolutely terrified of that outcome. If she dies, I need Lee to die with her. I'd rather they both be alive or dead at the end - but not separated. I don't think I could handle it. Unless of course they keep bastardising Lee into this shallow unfeeling, hedonistic bastard (maybe a bit harsh, but his need to shove his cock into what ever was passing by in season two was sickening. And I realise that's an over simplification of what really was going on, but it is still what it boils down to)

Thank you, Martha!!!! You know I write only for you. It is so great to have you as a reader b/c it makes the writing worthwhile, to get fb like this!

First off, thank you so much for your wonderful, insightful comments - I feel like you always really "get" what I am going for, and take my thinking even further.

Second, I *hate* the idea of Starbuck sacrificing herself at the end of the series, because of the reason you give - I *need* Lee and Kara to either live together or die together at the end of this whole thing. Also Kara gives up so much of herself, even though it doesn't seem like it (I think this was the point of Scar though it was not very well done). She doesn't think she really deserves happiness so she puts herself on the front line all the time. She doesn't fear death she fears rejection and emotional pain/hurt. So to have her put it all on the line at the end would only be more of what she does all the time, whereas having her actually confront Lee emotionally would be character development/growth.

Meanwhile, Lee often thinks Kara is going to die out in battle somewhere, this is his constant fear every time she is out there, so to lose her in the end would only be his worst nightmare come to pass. Great, where does that leave Lee? Again, with no growth, he would be no different than he always was. But to speak to Kara about love, to confess his feelings to her, to deal with what's between them, that would be heroic of Lee, way more heroic than him giving her up to the cause.

As for season 2 and Lee's cock, yeah exactly, I cannot get on board with that Lee. You really provided the only explanation possible in your current fic, which is that Lee was just absolutely not himself. That's the only way that I can even begin to rationalize Lee Adama paying hookers and trying to play daddy to their scared little children. How creepy and unsexy is that?

Anyway, thank you again for your wonderful reading and I cannot wait for the next installment of Memories!


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