im sorry it took me so long...

Jan 25, 2005 19:31

yo hows it going everybody..or anybody that reads this, im just chillen here being all bored and what not so I thought id update this mo-fo.
Mid-terms i have noooooooo idea how i pulled off a few decent grades on those...bombed chemistry with a 60 that what u get when ur whole study plan was to cheat but end up getting moved to a table with espo whos studying plan was to copy we copied eachother sorta and i got a 60 its sad i dont like that class. Ummmm, faith 78 im pumped with that one cuz i slept that whole quater in that class, french 81 HOOO RA!...Geo 81 mmmmm not that pumped on that one...97 in percussion hell yea its basically a free period just make some noise on the drums and what not. AND havent gotten history grade yet.
Had drivers ed after school very boring nothing new there
Might have made honor roll this year if i can suceed in persuading Dalpe to move my 76 up to an 80 so far im making progress hes letting me make up missed hw that i swear he never assigned in the first place...honor roll='s 50$ for me so i want it bad....and i think this quarter ill pay attention in school and respect some teachers :/
o yea today was tsunami day..we had to pay 5 dollas to wear normal clothes then we learned about the tsunami all day :)servants the fruitiest principle ever..K DONE

comment if you have any love for me at all
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