Jan 04, 2008 01:10
AE 302: Aerospace Flight Mechanics -
Introduction to the dynamics of aircraft and spacecraft, and to orbital mechanics; aircraft performance in various flight attitudes; aircraft stability and control; spacecraft attitude dynamics and control; the two-body problem of orbital mechanics; orbit transfer.
Of all my courses this coming semester, this one sounds the most interesting. We'll see what happens, I guess.
AE 312: Compressible Flow -
Compressible flow aerodynamics; conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional flow; oblique shock waves and Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves; unsteady wave motion. Application to nozzles, diffusers, supersonic airfoils, and shock tubes.
I think this course is known to be notoriously difficult. x.x
AE 322: Aerospace Structures II -
Analysis of beams and shafts of monocoque and semi-monocoque construction. Energy methods. Theory of elastic stability with applications to buckling of columns. Introduction to finite element structural analysis - with application to trusses, frames, and plane stress/strain problems.
I can't see this course being much more difficult than its prequel. The prequel course was pretty tough, however. :P Same professor and everything, though the class might be a bit smaller since he only passed about 80% of the class from the prequel course...
AE 353: Aerospace Control Systems -
Modeling of linear dynamic systems; Laplace transform techniques; linear feedback control systems; stability criteria; design techniques.
I have no clue what most of this means. XD
AE 360: Structures & Control Lab -
Examines theory and application of experimental techniques in aerospace engineering with emphasis on structural mechanics, vibrations, dynamics, and control systems.
I hear this lab is time-consuming and a major pain. That's all I know about it.
...yup. Gonna be a fun semester.