Dec 16, 2010 16:00
So I am proabably going to oregon with Denver. There doesnt seem like there is much left here in Roanoke, except a painful past. Things with him arent perfect, but I dont thing any relationship can ever be perfect. My sister is always high and stuck up her girlfriends ass, a girlfriend who is always jealous and wont let her do anything. My brother is going to the national guard and like always I can never trust a thing he says. Friends have come and gone, ever since Michigan its just not the same. well ever since I lost my apartment, my car, my old life. Maybe its for the best? now Im stuck living with him and his mother.His mother drives me crazy, I dont know what it is about older women and bitchy attitudes. She does nothing but complain and say mean things behind our backs. I never wanted to be sleeping on an air mattress every night, watching him play games all day, cooking for the ungrateful bitch, dreading my ten year slavery to Kroger. I have never been a happy person, but im trying to find the little things. I have lost all confidence in myself. Lost my true self, that I may have never had from the start.