reality lacks nothing; it is my mind that lacks the ability in its pure form (that is, without the influence of foreign substances, ie - drugs) to naturally encompass the entire spectrum of reality. I am not saying that drugs allow a person to understand "the truth." I am saying that they allow people to tap into parts of reality and thought that they might otherwise never have experienced. Or might otherwise never had fully experienced. Drugs can do many things, good and bad, for people. But whether good or bad, they are learning experiences. They are humbling because A. they offer said perspectives, and perspective is always good in my opinion - what is reality if you don't have the entire spectrum of experience to compare? and B. because they allow a person to understand the fundamental concept of human frailty. If a person does not understand heroin addiction, for example, how are they to begin to fully be able to judge an addict? Drugs are enjoyable, there is no question - science will attest to this. The neurotransmitters which are involved with cocaine and MDMA, for example, are dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is a NT which is highly involved in such experiences as eating and sex - two very reinforcing acts. When a person can understand that cocaine, a drug administered in a matter of seconds, is working on those same chemicals as eating or fucking, it humbles a person. We are not as lofty as we seem, we are controlled by chemicals. If a person does drugs, they are not "changed" by the drugs in the sense that they are brought out of reality, never again to return. ON the drugs, of course, they experience a DIFFERENT reality than you, but once sober, they, like you, can think rationally again like they always have been able to. The only difference is that now they have an experience that allows them to reflect more richly on a subject than a person who has not experienced the affects of drugs. If anything is magic, drugs are. LSD allows your brain to function as it does when you dream in a waking state. I have not experienced acid, so I do not know exactly what that means, but I have had crazy, realistic dreams that seemed so real at the time. If you could have a dreaming experience while awake, imagine how much you could learn. Why else would native americans used peyote for vision walks as a rite of passage into adulthood? It is because you learn about yourself, the nature of being an active part of biology - i like to think of myself as a walking biology experiment at times - and it humbles me. So. In a very long winded way, I hope I have made my point - reality is lacking nothing. My mind alone, however, cannot grasp all that reality has to offer. Drugs does not offer me all answers. But it sure helps my journey. I am an anxious , frustrated, and paranoid person, I suffer from chronic nightmares, and all this since I was a little girl. When my mother had to describe me in one word to my doctor when I was 5 years old, she said "conflicted." I can't will myself to experience the things that drugs have allowed me to experience. I trust in the elements that God has given me, and if substances have been created that allow me to experience truth from different perspectives, than hell - I'm going to take a chance, and step away from "real" reality if only to get an idea of something better, of something prettier.
a person will react to drugs like "a kid in a candy store" - i suppose i agree with that. for a person who is a die-hard hedonist, i would say this is 100% true.
i guess i don't really understand your question, so yes, i'd like you to re-state it, please.
as for any near death experiences i've had...i'm not exactly sure if i've had any. i have felt, however, that the more fucked up i become, the closer i am to death, and this concept is very interesting to me. it depends on the drug as far as my being able to remember. for instance, just getting really drunk is not something that i will recall.
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i guess i don't really understand your question, so yes, i'd like you to re-state it, please.
as for any near death experiences i've had...i'm not exactly sure if i've had any. i have felt, however, that the more fucked up i become, the closer i am to death, and this concept is very interesting to me. it depends on the drug as far as my being able to remember. for instance, just getting really drunk is not something that i will recall.
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