I have edited a bit...
Name: Nel
Gender/Sex/Affiliation: Female
Age: 18
Location: Texas, soon California for school
What attracted you to this community? my friend LaRoi
What is the highest level of school completed? High School
What are some of your major interests/hobbies? reading, writing, meeting new people, spending time with those I love, cat naps, finding new movies to fall in love with...kittens Edit: A passion just of late because I have been playing with one at a friend's for a few days, I used to have some cats and loved them dearly...
What about the human psyche most appeals to you, and why? the want for human attachment because it gives us the ability to care for and love others and grow in those emotions which is much better and more beneficial than pure introspection
Type of music most enjoyed: all kinds my favorites are Death Cab for Cutie, Modest Mouse, Ratatat, Aesop Rock, Broken Social Scene, Belle & Sebastian and Atmosphere
Books/authors: To Kill a Mockingbird, Nabokov, Coupland, Dickinson, Seuss
Something special or beautiful about your brain: I am able to analyze most things with emotional honesty, I can also see from A to B
Are you an artist or writer? If yes, please post some of your work. Yes:
My fingertips hold onto the heavy smell
of the twisted trysts that just feel right.
From sweat swept off your thick neckline
and strategically disheveled hair,
they meditate days apart
from anything like a memory,
living to fill the unlivable rooms
of a house many years without a home.
What exists now?
With resentment in the form of nostalgic
musings and quixotic glances,
what lies between pillow case and cheek,
the space between the gaze and its truth?
Unlike the feelings or thoughts mislabeled
as emotional justification,
these are so quick to be dismissed,
laughed at passingly and nothinged away.
They step lightly between denied boundaries
and unspoken longings,
never tripping to fall upon something so tragic
as an inexplicable smile or tear.
Surely not one that comes at the wrong time
pressing holy inhibited pressure points,
and breaking apart tight-seemed ragdolls,
the symbols of the past.
It was never the intention of these moments
to hang between passion and disruptance,
just as these days' predictability fall to pieces
and priorities become after thoughts.
I forget set apart what matters in slight glitter retrospect
but it doesn't matter,
it is nothing more than a dramatization
modeled after secondhand accounts and lies.
So this is the true memory left in the back of my mind:
The one where I want you to drive me
fast, with the windows down, singing softly,
my fingertips ready to hold not just the smell
but the taste, color, and sound of your resonance.
To hold onto the notion that
I might make you smile.
What color was George Washington's white horse? grey
Organized religion: divisive EDIT: This has been seen quite clearly in the present as the Christian Right in this country have set their cap at condemning all sinners by taking away their rights, i.e. the awful homosexuals who are unable to love one another and thus should be unable to wed even when in a commited relationship. For some reason most organized religions feel that condemning people is the best way to spread the word about the love of the God that condemns them. For some reason this love tends to cause more war, Isreal, and hatred, Radical Islamic Jihad...and its a wonder we have begun to war on religion based terrorism on the eve of Christianity's conquest on the White House. Everyone look up Patrick Henry College (in the New York Times) and you will know what I mean.
Society: EDIT: I don't like how society tends to set a standard for what certain people ought to be. Take the role of gender and sexuality, the idea that women and men have their set roles and that society is best served by traditions such as marriage between just a man and a woman...to expland upon my religion answer, I feel that standards that define others by setting what is good and bad and what they ought to do is bad in so far as it stifles what choices people have over their own lives. I do however condone the idea that my rights stop where another's begin. But of course what people tend to feel is harmful is also defined my society, like how children will somehow become "fags" because of a purple, alien looking moppet on PBS. But I guess that also shows how stupid some people in authority within society can be
The occult/paranormal: Have spoken to my dead mother once or twice EDIT: I feel it is important to feel that those who are no longer with us have a deep enough connection to our souls that they are never truly gone...
The environment: Will be dead in the next couple thousand years EDIT: Because in humanity's folly we will destroy it with little thought of the future. We care only of our present pleasure and advance...Also to add I am a vegetarian so my morals lie in not killing natures creatures without need
The Arts: worth saving EDIT: and nurturing, everyone should have an opportunity to cultivate a taste for as well a unique vision of the arts...everyone has the propensity to be an artist. And I am very much against censorship of the arts, I believe that we should learn from other's expression, it contains to opportunity to learn from one another and to grow.
The Sciences: worth discovering Edit: The only one I did well in in school was Biology, so I do not know much about it, but I hope that people will continue to discover to find cures for diseases while also being guarded so that they do not hurt the world with their developments via pollution and weapons production.
Drugs: bad if they are harmful (cocaine, heroin), a personal choice if they are not (pot) EDIT: Actually on second thought I might add a reason as to why I personally do not use to safest (in my opinion), pot, at least not anymore, just because of the individuals, the poor individuals who suffer under drug lords who's money comes from American consumption of drugs, it makes me feel sick, and like a murderer myself.
Pornography: eh, it sometimes subjugates women which is isn't right...but generally I think that people should also be able to express themselves...I don't like the idea of it being as corporately exploited as it is
List the first word that comes to your mind after the following-
Nun: Wife
Blood: Vampire
Cerebral: Cortex
Library: Campus
Words: Mouth
Butter: Stick
Mirror: Image
Lord: Almighty
Semen: Baby
Heart: Beat
Manic: Depressive
Revolver: Pistol
Cut: Paste
Post 3 or more random images that express who you are (None of yourself!!):