Mar 27, 2010 21:23
So, I never seem to update this very often. I have found myself mostly too busy or not with internet access to update.
Regardless, Here is some thoughts and updates on how I am doing.
I did not go to christmas (yeah it's a been while i know) with my family this past christmas. Truthfully I probably would not have gone however, the invite would have been nice. Sadly, me and my family will never be on good terms. This happens, i accept.
My birthday was rather fun, I spent time with close friends, and friends that are close now. I have grown a lot in the past year, I've lived in two states, travelled to four, and realised recently that home is curled up on my couch and my kitten near by.
Two things I've been told recently, that I have a very open smile / laugh, and "You don't care about what anyone thinks, you are you no matter what". Both are compliments, I just never realised these qualities about myself.
School has been going well, I have a 3.2 and work hard on school, even if I think I've lost some friends over it due to neglect and lack of time. It makes me a bit sad, but is anyone really worth my future? Along with that, anyone that doesn't realise that all of my major life decisions besides one in the past four years has been about school clearly isn't my friend at all.
A sad note, I've noticed the death of a friendship that I held dear, i should've known, but it didn't dawn onto me until recently. I haven't any idea why or how it happened, it wasn't from my end but i guess some people drift away and stop being friends. Joy and respect will always be my heart for all of those once they've been there, but such is life at times.
A positive note, my mission to respect and love myself, It's going better then I could've ever thought.
I truly have settled in my skin, and all of the heart ache and sadness that I once had it's there. It's like I woke up and realised I'm kinda awesome and I shouldn't treat myself any less then any other awesome person.
Self respect is kinda rad. So is loving ones self.
Now off to somewhere to dance and be lovely.