Mar 13, 2008 21:19
My car is finally, officially fixed. Charlie Graham couldn't find what was wrong because it was a freakin sensor. Some other stuff was wrong too, though. I had to take it into Huber. Not cheap. I was going to be in debt hardcore, but the nice lady there busted her butt to get the warranty to cover most of it (thank you God.).
My boss is still trying to get a Business Analyst job added to the team so she can give me a promotion. I thought that idea got dropped, but apparently not. BA's make bank. I hope it works out, I'll get school paid of so much easier if I'm making what a job like that pays.
The big move day is coming up. Its a Monday, so I think we're going to be outta luck for help. Oh well, I feel weird when other people mess with my stuff anyway. I can't wait to get unpacked and decorate our awesome new abode. Its going to be the hippest digs ever.
Chrissy: I found out that those fish have "African" in their name and they're worth over $100 a piece. I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I don't want to be responsible for their death, so I'll be in contact soon :)
Spring is finally fucking here. Thank goodness. I can ward off seasonal depression for only so long.