Aug 03, 2004 23:42
Well for the past TWO dayz has benn PURRTIE Boring .......... :: ZzZzZzZ :: i have been BABI Siting my cUZins AnGie and NUDELLBOI! (( Eema )) ummmm.......
AlSo i found out some REALLY REALLY Go0D newS ok FiRst thingZ FIRST
---->>HOLY GHOST FEAST<<-----
Ok well I GET to gat the RED cape HeHeHe ((Proud color of BENFICA!!!((KRISTEN ::cough sporting SUX cough:: )) =) Then i get to go to my OLDER CuZins friendz house to get my hair Done BUT i still need to find a Dress AND i ALSO need to get TWO friendZ to hold a side of the Cape =/ and UGH i don't wanna ask = X BUTT if n e one is INTURESTED ??? lol no JPJPJP .. BUT Yar that is on my tado list .... :: SiGh:: CAN'T WAIT!! (( Oh 0h an dKristen i m gonna need your help it ROLLING!! :: MADD GOOD TIMEZ:: ))
ok So ya and here is MORE good newZ NEXT summer i get to go to PORTUGAL!! omg that is like the BEST holly CrAPeShatE .......i have never been to PORTUGAL! EVER and i finally get to go with my Avo' AHHH i love it i CAN'T Wait it is gonna be OFF THE PAN! lol sry i m SuCh a DoRk (( COUGH )) =)
oh oh MORE good NEWZ .......... DANNY IS coming HOME TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!! AhHhHhH i miss him MUCHO!!! lol (( he like HateZ meh lol )) But yar HE is coming home TOMORROW! and BacK from PORTUGAL !!! YAY i can't wait to takl to him ERG!! tomorrow is going to be the HaPPy day LoL ((so his Journal sayz)) but ya i m VeRY HapPy
NOT so0 Go0D
BAD NEWZ ............. NICK LEFT MEH!!! WeLL he will be leaving meh tomorrow at 3:00 IN THE MORNING hahahaha SUCKER lol and he hasn't even Packed yet (( MAKE SURE YOU BRING "CaPri SuN " LMAO ::that was the BEST:: ))
GOOD NEwZ............ i think i m sure of who i like now nad that is SUCH a good feeling to be sure of my self =) and i want to THANK all of YouZ ((WeLl all of youZ that were here for meh)) your GuYZ ARE the BESTUREST!!!!!!!!!!--> You know who you are <-- XoXoxoxXoxOxo Like HIM!
You know what is REALLY kool i m ALMOST done with my BOOK =) Yay lol it is a PuRRtie Kool =) but you know what i have been thinking is 8th Gr. ERG i think that it will be kool BUT then i m not sure that i will fit >in< =( Oh nad i don't Think i m gonna do SoCcEr =( i SUCK SO0o0o0o0o Bad now i mean i have only played with my DoWg and like i SUX i get Schooled by my DOWGGIE =( That is SO0o0o0o0o0o sad i m turning into ERIC lol ((Jp)) But like i mean i m hearing the BeLlZ when i m playing with him BUT yar and like i mean soccer is out of the pic so mean i can't do n e thing ELES because i sux at all the other sportZ and i mean BAND HAHAHAHAHAHA that was FuNnie and wow i m REALLY BaD MATT (( a SIX year old)) can play a TRUMPET soo0o0o0o0o good compared to meh =( =) HE is so good i m Proud to know him =) lol but yar i gotta find something i m GOOD at lol in or OUT of school .............................
YAR ... i think that THAT is IT ... 4 NOW.... as you can see i m MUCHHH Happyer ! =)
I WIN!!!
Night Night Xo0Xo0xXox0o Sweet DreamZ
The one and ONLY
The DORK! =) and so0 proud!
God BleSs
Meh --> on my LiFe
My Family --> all i HAVE
You and Your Family -->LoVe
PaT and His Mom and Tio' AnD Family --> ALL WAYZ here for you!
DANNY<3 & NiCkoli --> ON Their Trip((Z))