Jul 23, 2004 10:30
HeLlO People i m back to tell you about my day Ok
>> TOdAy i woke up at six and HelPed my MoMMie CleAn the HoUse adn i MOPPED THE FLOOR ! ^.^ hehe that Was FuN then my MoMie went to WORK >.< then i wattered the TrEEZ ((FuNn cough cough FuNn)) lol then i went to Bed AgAin heHeHhE Then Woke upp BLAH and took a ShOwA and STACEY came over!
>>> lol We watch BRING DOWN THE HOUSE lol and she brought COOKIES adn CANDY lol WoW then we HAD PIZZA! ((TaStY)) then we went out side adn like played some SoCcEr ^.^ then we came back inside and had some MORE CookIes and CaNdy and POPCORN and WATCHED HALF of DANCE WITH ME THEN SHE HAD TO GO! >.< ::cRy:: (( Stacey is so SwEeT i love her <(^.^)> Bigg sister))
>>>> AfTEr she left i cleaned up then went out side with my DoWgY and my DaD killed the WOODCHUK! ::CrY:: then he berry ED it YES BERRY <----- then i had to watered the trees WoW my life is BORRING BUT then i played soccer and then i went inside <<<<< FuN FuNN >>>>>
>>>>ToDaY i thought about what i said yesturday and i was thinking that i ReAlLy gotta Change so like yar i m going to go COMPLEATLY EXTREM and i m gonna ChAnGe like YaR> but not like in a bad way ok i m ettinga MAKE BETTER ^.^ i think because i have gone all BLAH and i ReAlLY gotta GROW UP^ ^.^ hehe hehe so yar tel me what i need to work on PwEEZe because i need to know
THANKZ S0o0o0o0o0o0o MUCH
So yar that i my life story>>> No00 wait i did not Explain my "LoVe" ......... I don't HAVE one >>>
ok yar now that's my life story<
^ NIGHT NIGHT ^ ::SlEEp TiGHt:: *SwEEt DrEAmZ* ~ BIG <(^.^)> HUG ~
Xo Ox Xo OX
ThE OnE aND onLy
God Bless
Vanessa * on Her trip
Danny * on His trip
My Family * because they are Every thing to me
Pat's Mom and Family * They will make it
You and your Family * peace be with you