sadafasdf i cant believe i'm sick

May 03, 2004 22:27

excited! excited! excited! i get to meet that tacky-dressing blue tinted glasses man- marvin zindler tomorrow and our new mayor chum mr. white and best of all i get to skip out on the Stats AP. mmmmm no studying this week for me yay. (english thurs. but seriously study for it...but HOW? ahh damn.)

not cool-- sickness. ugh this better go away!!!! *gag* i'm actually takin all my damn medication so the STUPID cold will go away!! i didnt even eat dinner O_O;;;

and now i'm off to sleep some more. sleeep is good.

before you go to bed read bbq's entry:

[ok, so steph wang comes up to me this morning and mentions off handedly that some music prof at UT was murdered recently. one of her students or something was maniac depressive and called 911 one day saying his teacher had a computer chip in his brain and was gonna get it out. 911 put the call at the bottom of the priority list thinking it was some crazy kid. ok. it was some crazy kid. cause when they went to check it out, they found the teacher's body already hacked up by a meat cleaver.


i didnt believe her. you guys remember the story bout that guy who walks around campus with an ax? yea.. well austin seems a little less safe now huh. she said she heard this story from her violin teacher or something.

so i was on the ut website today, as usual, and this is the first head line i see.

mm, ok. so that link says some student was charged for murder of a teacher. ...

and i do some research.


anyway. im getting creeped out cause its late at night and the lady's face is staring at me from the computer screen. so i guess if i wanna know whether or not the computer chip thing is true, i gotta finish research some other day..]

ut news:
Student charged with death of professor
Grad student Jackson Fan Chun Ngai accused in death of music professor.
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