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Jul 23, 2004 00:31

aitey kiddos its that time of year again

that's right C H I N E S E Y O U T H C A M P ! !

*rah rah rah*

i shall be leaving one day early (Friday) to help with the lovely task of cleaning those toilet bowls, setting up shower curtains, and making sure everything is good to go.

be back next saturday chums.
but the cell phone will be around, umm somewhere and i'd do my best to return calls be4 the wee hours of the mornin'.

lousiana here i come!

after i pack
and burn cds
and make a tshirt
and create a cape
and find the Scream costume
and dig out my cowboy hat
and wash more clothes
and get music for the trip..

ok bye lovelies.
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