Mar 22, 2005 15:59


sooo todayy was my birthdayy what else do i have to say?!???!???!???

well school was just another ordinary dayyy lol!!!

no mr. a in abnd.... bill todd conducted.... we played like half the songsss in our folders... usually we do one a day with mt. a haha i guess bill todd isnt that great of a conductor... he ddint have play the same thing overandoverandoverandover again!!! lol!!!!!!!!!

globall was greatt!! we were in the library!!! and julie and i sat there and like we were giving mr. v a hole lot of attitued.... we were all mr viola ur stuff is in my way... dont forget ur clipboard!!! lol!!! it was amazing!!! lol!!!

lunch was ummm interesting to say none the less! ummm yeaaa its never nott interesting!!! lol!! inless i have a lesson! lol... i gained 21 cents!!! im rich noww!!!

well then gym was gayy!! lol

science = sub = boring!!! did the same packet three times in one period... dont ask yy!! lol!!!

math was totally borringgg!! lol!!! what else is newwww!!!!!

well that was my day soo farr

cupcakes during ballet todyy!!! lol!!!! how amazing!!! yumyumyum and then cake latter tonite!!! ymyum yum lotsandlots of cakee!!! lol!!!! howw amazing!!! i love cake i could eat cake all dayyy!!! lol!!
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