Most amazing thing I've ever recieved.

Nov 14, 2007 20:46

 Time to Start Again....

Date: Nov 13, 2007 10:18 PMSubject: true freindsBody: theres only a slecet few out there who truly no me
most of them dont like me
btu for the ONE that dose
thnak u
uv been there for me when i needed u most
yes weve fought
yes we have takin (breaks) before
but u allways came back
uve been there for the good the bad
and the great
i miss sundays at 3 32
i miss fose ball
i no i will see u soon
either in person
or in perfext land
were the coulds and the heavs meet
its were the birds fly out of on those perfect days

we will meet agine

I love OYou with all my heat

ne one reading this that isn her
if u have more than one best freind
then uv never experinced a true freind
never stop lookin for that one person tho
cause thell be the one who keep u living
thell make ur heart beat

I love E O E Y

Even from millions of miles away, you still have the ability to make me smile and shine brighter than anyone. You're my best guy friend, forever & for life. Nothing, no one or amount of miles will change that. Corey Oreo and Candy Oreo, forever. We're going to be reunited once again, sometime in the future, I can just feel it. Between the motivation we have to make it happen, I know it'll pull through & I'll get to be with you. I love you.

Also from MY myspace ...

"I've come to the point in my life where I've realized that the days of my youth are numbered. Before I know it, my senior year is going to come to a close & i'll be stepping into the big world. I've come to the realization that in a few months; nothing is going to matter. What he said, what she said; what happened this week, and what happened the next. I realized, I need to live everyday to it's full potential. Make the best of each day, make the most fun of each day, and most importantly, make it a day I'll always remember. I'm gonna live the rest of my year like it's my last. I'll probably make mistakes, probably cause a few problems here and there, but I won't take anything back or for granted. I just want to experience all I can & enjoy everything there is out there to enjoy." Who's with me?

Life is amazing.
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