Sep 30, 2005 18:54
This is not because they beat us.. because we really stink this year... this is because the people from Lake Mary should be shot. They are so rude, how about you guys learn a little something called sportsman ship. We were sitting on the home side last night at the foot ball game (which was at lake mary so we were sitting on the wrong side but its not like we were cheering or anything.. we didnt have anything to cheer about)but it was only because there was abosolutly no room on the visitor side.. and plenty of room on the home side; and then some guys (one with a seminole shirt on) came and sat down near us. They didnt even say anything to anyone when the lake mary kids turned around and started harrassing them. By harrassing i mean yelling, chanting calling them dirty names and throwing bottles at there head.. one kid got hit in the head with a full soda bottle. After this is going on for like 5 minutes the lake mary high cop service came up and made us move to the visitor side... might i remind you we were not fighting back we were just sitting there ignoring them. So we got forced out of a side where there was actually enough room for us to sit down and the kid who launched a bottle at an innocent kids head doesnt get any type of punishment what so ever. Listen Lake Mary, just because your football team rocks.. doesn't mean you have to be the jerks of the county. We rape you at pretty much everything else. May i remind you of the Dazzlers, our ShowChoirs, our Band, hmmmm IB!!!!!!.. yeah that we passed FCAT chant... real creative.. oh wait.. we passed too.. hmm geuss it doesnt really work. We even beat you at track, which is actually really ironic since your the ones always running from the cops (lake mary parties=invetable cop raid).. so pretty much.. get over yourselves and learn to play nice.