Please read the following rules carefully, then submit your subject claim via comments to this post. Furthermore, make sure you've also read the rules in the community info and join the community before submitting your claim. We will not be able to give you posting access if you're not a member. Also, before you comment, please check and see if your desired subject has already been claimed. If you have any questions, please ask at the FAQ page.
1. Everything goes (subject wise)! Any subject matter that you can make ALL 26 letters of the alphabet of is allowed! That means if you can do all 26 letters for a certain song---go for it. One particular episode of television series---sure. Others: actors/actresses, couples/ships, musicians, video games, commercials even, are all fine, and of course your basic tv series (general) or a particular movie are permitted as well. The catch being you must be able to icon each letter, so if you do choose just one episode, it will most likely be a greater challenge for you. YOU STILL MUST APPLY & BE APPROVED FIRST before you start though!
2. You must submit your application by commenting to this post with the following information:
Genre of your subject: (tv, film, music, actor, video game, etc)
The actual subject matter: (name of show, movie, band, actor)
Any specific character/s: (if you're claiming a character or couples/ships)
Any specific season, episode, part, song:
Your User-name: (the one you will be posting with in this community)
Have you posted in this community before?:
Three preview icons from the set you intend to post:
Once your application has been approved, you may create the rest of your icon set! And a reminder NOT to post your icons until you have the entire alphabet complete.
Last Updated: March 18, 2008
Current Subject Claims: (sorted alphabetically and by genre)
*no current claims*
*no current claims*
*no current claims*
*no current claims*
*no current claims*
*no current claims*
*no current claims*
*no current claims*