Jan 17, 2006 00:26

Yes I just used OMG.. damn two strikes for the silent protest

Ok hello to basically Melissa and Pacco… akhem.. could you tell the rest of my friends to add me next time you do a post… yeah that would be nice.

Just got back to the nati… crazy spontaneity, I quit you! Ok actually Anna is not capable of that. I will attempt brevity and wit during my posting.

I had a great time in Muskingum… hollar I will be back Feb 14 for the monologues. Oh and I better effing be in them Codie Lyn Wedge (If that is your REAL middle name?!?!)

I am more than glad I stayed as long as I did because #1 life is about the moment and appreciating it completely and #2 I learned that I am missing intellectual stimulation here in Cincinnati. (Maybe our air is more polluted than the NC… so people can get the proper Oxygen to the brain that it takes to make a complete sentence let alone something intellegent) WOW!

Thank you to all who participated in my weekend… I had an amazing time. Can’t wait to return.

Oh and Melissa, mY Belly says I LOVE YOU! Amazing food.. oh god I drool just thinking of lovely vegan breakfasts.

My end thoughts as I rush to finish a wk of grading in a few hours… I checked on line, via my dad’s suggestion, to calculate my disability probability… how do they figure this stuff out based solely on age and sex. Damn math trying to sike me out and get me to buy health insurance.

Well anyways… I learned that I have a 33% chance of disability before 65yrs of age.
not sure how i feel about that.. initially not bothered... but that is because my govn't and news teams have done so well to NUMB MY SOUL.... more thoughts on my current disabilities later.

But if anyone would like to calculate your disability probability then be my guest… and please don’t be surprised if it tells you that you will die someday and possibly shit tomorrow… COME ON!!!!

click on the first link listed titled: NMFN: LC, Csat are the Odds?
luv ya

the first hopefully not the only

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