Jan 23, 2006 22:20
yowserrr... i mean, gingkies... my third journal. Are you all sooooo proud of me??? Not much to report. I got tippsy with some of the teachers and parents at my school. We had a lady's night out and they were great all boosed up. Fortunately I am a responsible drinker and only had one beer. SERIOUSLY GUYS!!!
My weekend was otherwise fantastic because I saw my family and ate good food.
Just got done working at the bar... made a bit of money tonight.
Highlight of Monday night happy-hour*(which is actually 5hrs long) was when the guys at the end of the bar... old guys with wives and many children.... were talking about survival and asked if I would eat a human... I replied: Well an animal for survival? sure. But a human... I think I would rather just die. -Then I said- I would just say eat me I taste better..... ohhh the dirty old men loved that. I meant to say vegetarians taste better, but either way it was not bar talk to be taken in a CLEAN manner... I laughed too. ONe of those things that don't sound bad in your head but as soon as they ring out in the air you go, DOH!!!
Laura Harmon.. are you my buddy? I need your address.
Hope to see all you peeps On V-day.
Ohhh and anyone on campus willing to look up Edmond the Stag/ PHilosophy major.. i need his number. I think my bag may actually be in his room contrary to belief of theft. I want to check and have him remove the decomposing fruit away from my clothes and toiletries.
pleasant I know.
hEY hey pac-O, I need a new picture... you gotta help me out come v-day... maybe we can put a vagina up in place of my face.... hmmmm?!?!?!? what do you think?