Aug 27, 2007 03:05
Today I had some free time while the freshies were at their BYOA. I used it to take a nap and do laundry. Natalie and Chris let the house team hang out in their apartment for a while since it's airconditioned. And Noah was extra cute as usual. Tonight was sooo much fun. A bunch of went to Pasty's TH for a frisbee party but didn't drink because we're all student fellows. I got to see Lorraine and Marika though which is always great. We went back to Ray ray and drank cokes out on the quad and chatted. So nice to hang out with the other stufels. It was very chill and relaxing. Misho and Kristen ended up hanging out in my room and we exchanged stories from freshman year. Then Nate imed me so we went up and hung out in his room for a while. I'm SO GLAD there are people to hang out with again and they are awesome. I have to be awake in about 4 hours. Yay orientation week! The freshmen rock and I get free time to hang out with my upperclassmen friends. And on Tuesday the rest of campus starts returning!!!