Jul 11, 2004 23:27
I never thought digging could be so entertaining. Dean, Pat, and Fuzzy spent the first day at sand lake digging a really really really big hole. When they where done it was at least 8 feet deep, and then we decided to see how many people would fit in the hole, we got 8, it was sooooo sandy. I slept in Jon’s car, not so comfy. It ended up being 10 of us the first night (Pat, Megan, Fuzzy, Dean, Silus, Jon, Mickey, Liz, Joe, and of course me, that’s right no Chloe.) we all played cards, walked around, and dug a giant hole the first night. The second day, we went to the beach and then Pat’s sister and all her buddies showed up. Mark Fairy showed up with them. He had a truck that he was driving on the sand and he took me for a ride. We ended up popping/shredding one of his tires, but before all that fun happened A.J. decided it would be great fun to cover Mark in sand. The only problem with that was, I was sitting next to him. So I got a face full of sand, mouth open and same with eyes. It didn’t feel so nice. I had so much sand everywhere. Joe got a rather nasty sunburn so I took care of him for a while, I ended up going to bed at like 11 I was tired from the day and from trying to sleep in Jon’s trunk. Sunday we just sat around picked up and left. It was to damn hot to do much else. I had great fun.