Dec 04, 2004 00:33

so ya, I used to love November when I was younger. I loved the weather, I loved the colors, and most of all I loved the days off school. Now days my novembers only consist of leaves and rain out gloomy windows when I happen to see them, and the days off school are consumed by the all-mighty Theatre. I am sooooo happy we have a three day weekend, with having to be at school on Saturday and Sunday all day I need the Monday. I don't know what I would do with out it. So my parental units have taken off as well but that does me no good if I am at school the whole time. Oh well I probably wouldn't have done anything anyways cause I am lame like that. As for all the issues of anything I say fuck it. You guys can hate each other and fight all you want but I am going to sit in my arbor and wait for my cues. I take that back, I know I am part of the problem there is no way out of it no matter how much I truly hate it. mmmm time for night.

Fuckin, what the fucking fuck! Who the fuck fucked this did you two fuckin fucks...Fuck?
Well it certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.
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