Apr 18, 2005 18:04
My nicole is gone this week. :-( GOODLUCK IN LA MY BIA!
I am currently without music because my ares is going slow as dirt... it's only half way loaded and i'm going to shoot it. GRRRRRR....
Well last night i finished an entire book and a composition on it because i procrastinate like no other. And since i read the book all in one sitting the night before the test on the whole book, i got a 95 on the test and everyone else failed miserably. that's what you get for trying to be a good student. :-p
I have 17 days til i don't have anymore high school. i don't want to leave, i have too many good years in that dump. i'm going to cry. i have so much grafitti and sharpie marker invested in that building. I don't have any finals this symester because my english teacher hates giving them and the only other classes i have are creative writing, office worker, and a sports class. Unless Bev feels like making me file or Rosnick feels like making me do push-ups, i'm out of finals for the rest of the year. HAPPINESS!
I got a letter from the air force academy today. I was "regrettibly not accepted" BULL SHIT! They wanted a high SAT score and i didn't give it to them. they'd rather have a bunch of math computer geeks in their school who probably can't shoot a shotgun at the sky and hit it. I'm in the Army and they pay for my school and i get to choose where i go for that one. And i get a higher pay check from them than the AF. They also require less years of service so fuck the AF. Army all the way!
I'm going to Hong Kong on June 13th. i'll be back a week later and then i'll be leaving for NC to visit my brother before boot camp. I'll have a busy summer and then straight into job training in Virginia. I have to pick out a college for January. I want to study history and minor in Latin. It's a completely obsolete language and i want to waste the army's money studying it.
Shadyside relays were saturday and it was nice outside. Not too hot or too cool. We did awesome in the 4x800. We took 2nd. Wheeling Catholic beat us again... but we like them so we'll let it go this time. Our time was 10:10. 2 seconds off the school record. Between the 4 of us, we all need to drop down to a 2:35 apiece if we are going to get the All-state record- 9:40. We'll get it. I'll kill if we don't. I have to have that stupid thing. I got 6th in the mile- New PR for me. 5:55 and i sucked, as always in the open 800. I can't seem to get it into my head that it's the same as running the 1st leg of the 4x800. If those dumbasses would just give me a damn baton, i'd be alright.
I have to go get some stuff done, so i'll finish updating this later.