It looked fun. =P
[ ] Abasiophilia: sexual attraction to people who are lame or crippled and/or who use leg braces or other orthopaedic appliances
[X ] Acousticophilia: sexual arousal from certain sounds.
-- Moaning excites me. Oddly enough it doesn't matter if it's fake or not.
[ ] Agalmatophilia: sexual attraction to statues or mannequins or immobility
[X] Algolagnia: sexual pleasure from pain.
-- Just a little bit. Spanking, biting
[X] Amaurophilia: sexual arousal by a partner whom one is unable to see due to artificial means, such as being blindfolded or having sex in total darkness.
-- Blindfolds. Guh.
[ ] Acrotomophilia and apotemnophilia: sexual attraction to amputation or amputees.
[X] Andromimetophilia (also gynemimetophilia): sexual attraction towards women dressed as men or who have had a sex change operation.
-- Cosplayers BEWARE!
[ ] Aquaphilia: arousal from water and/or in watery environments, including bathtubs and swimming pools.
[ ] Aretifism: sexual attraction to people who are without footwear, in contrast to retifism.
[X] Autogynephilia: love of oneself as a woman.
-- Our name is Krysta and we are narcissistic.
[ ] Autoassassinophilia: sexual arousal from fantasizing about or staging one's own murder.
[X] Biastophilia: sexual arousal from assault and rape.
-- It's a really odd thing for me to have. Especially because I'm so against rape.
[ ] Chronophilia: sexual attraction to a partner of the same chronological age, but whose sexuoerotic age is discordant with that chronological age.
[ ] Coprophilia: sexual attraction to (or pleasure from) feces. It's strictly related to Fecophilia, sexual arousal from defacation or watching a partner defecate, particularly on oneself.
-- Ew...
[ ] Covert incestiphilia: arousal from non-contact sexual behavior with a child.
[ ] Dacryphilia: sexual pleasure in eliciting tears from others or oneself.
[ ] Dendrophilia: sexual attraction to trees and other large plants.
-- *snerk* Evergreen. That's all I'm sayin'
[ ] Emetophilia (also vomerophilia): sexual attraction to vomiting.
-- Gross...!
[ ] Ephebophilia (also hebephilia): sexual attraction towards adolescents.
[ ] Erotic asphyxia: sexual attraction from asphyxia (also called "breath control play" or "strangulation"), including autoerotic asphyxiation.
[ ] Erotic lactation (also galactophilia or lactophilia): sexual attraction to human milk or lactating women.
[X] Exhibitionism (also autagonistophilia or peodeiktophilia): sexual arousal by engaging in sexual behavior in view of third parties (also includes the recurrent urge or behavior to expose one's genitals to an unsuspecting person).
-- I have no idea if I could ever go through with it, but the idea is hot.
[ ] Food play: sexual arousal from food.
[ ] Formicophilia: sexual attraction to smaller animals, insects, etc. crawling on parts of the body.
[ ] Forniphilia: sexual objectification in which a person's body is incorporated into a piece of furniture.
[ ] Frotteurism: sexual arousal from the recurrent urge or behavior of touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person.
[ ] Gerontophilia: sexual attraction towards the elderly.
[X] Homeovestism: sexual arousal by wearing the clothing of one's own gender.
-- Bra's, really nice panties, dresses, CORSETS..
[X] Human animal roleplay: sexual arousal by having oneself or a partner taking on the role of real or imaginary animal.
-- *blush* Meow?
[ ] Hybristophilia: sexual arousal to people who have committed crimes, in particular cruel or outrageous crimes.
[ ] Incestophilia: sexual attraction to a member of one's own family.
-- I'm not saying I haven't thought about it.
[X] Katoptronophilia: sexual arousal from having sex in front of mirrors.
-- This could be interesting.
[ ] Kleptophilia: sexual arousal from stealing things.
[ ] Klismaphilia: sexual pleasure from enemas.
[ ] Lust murder (also homicidophilia or erotophonophilia): sexual arousal from committing (or trying to commit) murder. It also appear to be strictly related with others similar paraphilias like sexual sadism, necrophilia, vorarephilia and Blood fetish.
[ ] Macrophilia: sexual attraction to giants or giant body parts (such as breasts and genitalia)-the opposite of microphilia.
[ ] Masochism: the recurrent urge or behavior of wanting to be humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer.
[ ] Microphilia: sexual attraction to miniature people or miniature body parts-the opposite of macrophilia.
[ ] Modzeleskphilia: sexual attraction to food. Namely cheese, nachos, and red wines.
[ ] Mysophilia: sexual attraction to soiled, dirty, foul or decaying materials.
[ ] Narratophilia: sexual arousal in the use of dirty or obscene words to a partner.
[ ] Necrophilia: sexual attraction to corpses. It includes necrosadism, sexual gratification derived by mutilating and dismembering corpses.
[X] Odaxelagnia: sexual arousal associated with biting or being bitten.
-- *grin*
[X ] Olfactophilia: sexual stimulus with smells or odors. (Certain smells, yes ... but only certain ones)
[ ] Paraphilic infantilism: sexual pleasure from dressing, acting, or being treated as a baby.
[ ] Parthenophilia: sexual attraction to virgins.
[ ] Pedophilia: sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It includes Nepiophilia (also infantophilia), sexual attraction to children three years old or younger.
[X] Pictophilia: sexual attraction to pictorial pornography or erotic art.
-- Yaoi anyone?
[ ] Plushophilia: sexual attraction to stuffed animals and/or people dressed in animal costumes.
[ ] Pyrophilia: sexual arousal through watching, setting, hearing, talking or fantasizing about fire.
[ ] Racial fetish: attraction to someone of a different colour.
[X] Sadism: deriving pleasure, or in some cases sexual arousal from giving pain.
-- Whips and chains DO excite me!
[ ] Salirophila: sexual arousal by soiling (only the appearance of) the object of one's desired partner.
[X] Schediaphilia: sexual attraction to cartoon characters.
-- Yaoi anyone?
[ ] Sitophilia: sexual arousal by involving food in sex.
[ ] Somnophilia: sexual arousal from sleeping or unconscious people. It appears to be related to necrophilia.
[ ] Sthenolagnia: sexual arousal from the demonstration of strength or muscles.
[ ] Telephone scatologia: being sexually aroused by making obscene phone calls to strangers.
-- that's just rude.
[ ] Teratophilia: sexual attraction to deformed or monstrous people.
[x] Transvestic fetishism: sexual arousal from the wearing of clothes typically associated with the opposite gender to the wearer.
--girls can't really get away with this. D<
[X ] Trichophilia: sexual arousal from hair.
-- Long hair, some facial hair.
[ ] Troilism: sharing a sexual partner with another person while looking on.
[ ] Urolagnia: sexual attraction to urine, including urinating in public, urinating on others, and being urinated on by others; it includes Urophagia: sexual attraction to drinking urine or watching others drink urine.
[ ] Vorarephilia (also gynophagia): sexual attraction at the thought of being eaten by or eating another person or creature. It includes endosomataphillia-a sexual fetish of being within someone (a sub-genre is partial unbirthing-a sexual attraction to inserting an adult head into a vagina).
[X] Voyeurism: sexual arousal through secretly watching others having sex (also includes scoptophilia-the recurrent urge or behavior to observe an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing or engaging in sexual activities.
-- Live porn!
[X] Xenophilia: sexual attraction to foreigners.
-- Accents. I have no idea if that works here but they make me -squirm-
[ ] Zelophilia: sexual arousal from jealousy.
[ ] Zoophilia: sexual attraction to animals.
[ ] Zoosadism: sexual gratification derived from causing pain and suffering to animals. Necrozoophilia (also necrobestiality) strictly applies to killing animals.
[ ] Anesthesia fetishism: sexual fetish for anesthesia.
[X] Blood fetishism (also haematophilia): sexual fetish for blood (also known as vampire fetish, hematolagnia and haematophilia), and is an anthropological term used to describe the belief within a society or culture that blood in itself (as a material substance) possesses powerful and magical properties.
-- Okay, so I get off on Blood-play. Bite me.
[X] Breast fetishism
--When I say I love my breasts. I -really- love my breasts.
[ ] Breast expansion fetishism
[ ] Crush fetish: a paraphilia which primarily consists of the desire to see others (generally a desirable potential partner) crush small creatures such as insects, mammals and reptiles.
[ ] Diaper fetishism
[ ] Doll fetish
[ ] Fat fetishism (also lipophilia)
[ ] Foot fetishism (podophilia)
[X] Garment fetishism: sexual fetish that revolves around a fixation upon a particular article or type of clothing, a collection of garments that appear as part of a fashion or uniform, or a person dressed in such a garment.
-- Corsets, heels, -thigh highs-
[X] Hand fetishism
-- It has something to do with my oral fixation.
[ ] Hip fetishism
[ ] Hypnofetishism: sexual fetish for hypnosis and similar forms of mental persuasion, therapy or mind control.
[ ] Impregnation fetish
[ ] Medical fetishism
[ ] Navel fetishism
[ ] Nose fetishism (also nasophilia)
[x] Panty fetishism
[ ] Pregnancy fetishism
[ ] Robot fetishism
[ ] Shoe fetishism
[X] Silk/Satin fetishism
-- Just a little bit. With corsets and thigh-highs
[X] Smoking fetishism (Capnolagnia)
-- it's hot to watch. But I'd never be with a smoker.
[ ] Spandex fetishism
[ ] Tickling fetishism (also acarophilia)
[ ] Total enclosure fetishism: sexual fetishism whereby a person becomes aroused when having entire body enclosed in a certain way, hence the name.
[ ] Transformation fetish
[ ] Wet and messy fetishism: sexual arousal by having substances deliberately and generously applied to the naked skin, or to the clothes people are wearing.