but still vewwy sexy.
Today I am 41.
For some reason this year I am more strongly aware of how far I've come than I was when I turned 40.
I was just thinking about a pagan Beltane celebration in San Diego
I went to several years ago. It was an interesting experience--I didn't know ANYone (except my two young sons) but I wanted to do something special for my birthday. Two memories stand clear--the boys making flower MayDay crowns, and the MayPole dance, which was hypnotic and joyous. I was amazed by how the ribbons wove together.
I'm not sure what's making me feel like I've gotten anywhere. Now that I'm trying to think of something, some proof, I can't think of anything.
I'm going to release some books in town in celebration.
I stayed up till o'dark-hundred last night reading Carolyn Myss' Sacred Contracts. I'm hooked on this, and Midnight Disease (forgot the author)--it's about the biology of writers' drive to write.
I dreamt I was on a spaceship to the moon....
we were flying with the side door open--for fresh air! o.O
I was chosen to land on the moon....
I had a writing desk on the ship, and knew with certainty that I needed to write everything down because people would want to read about the trip.
My mother was there
the scene switched to a sit-com stage (Leave It To Beaver?)
okay that's enough details (there are more, but I don't want to be boring)
If anyone's out there who knows anything about dreams, hey. Post your thoughts?