Happy Birthday to me...

Jan 20, 2005 15:31

Yup...it's my birthday, also the president's inaguration day, but we don't need to worry about that, more importantly, it's my birthday! I went out and bought myself a little birthday present today, i'm happy now.

So, I would just like to say thank you to all of my friends for being so supportive and leaving me replies on my livejournal posts. This semester is going to suck, I'm not going to lie or to pretend, it'll suck and I'll be glad when it's over, but I will get through it, and I will stick it out, because I'm student teaching in a semester! Then I'm done, and it'll be a looooong time before I set foot in a classroom as a student again...meaning my masters is still a goal, just a far off goal. But really, thanks everyone for giving me some support when my classes suck. I love you all.

My birthday party is saturday, and all who read this are invited (and of course, all whom i've told already). It should be a rockin good time, we'll have board games like usual, music, and Dance Dance Revolution, so we'll have a lot of fun I just hope the neighbors downstairs don't get too upset with us for jumping around during DDR, oh well. If they come up and complain, we'll invite em in! Woo hoo! See everyone on saturday for a little bit at least!
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