Feb 19, 2009 22:26
blissfullness has it's hault.
i am so content with my life, why must others interfere? i am finally happy with who i am becoming and who i want to make my way to being, why should others care? if it affects them in any way, it'd be a positive one. i will admit, i have NEVER in my entire life gotten along with my mom. when i was younger, she was a bitchy tyrant. 16 years later, she has no sign of change. hypothesis: stable condition. i am not one of those teenagers who hates their parents due to teen angst and i am not "mad at my mom because she won't give me money to go do something", seriously. i have absolutely no way to start to describe my mother. ugh. she is one of those people who can't keep friends because she LOVES to interfere in others' business. she loves to find "broken people" to fix them. but once she's helped them on their feet, she thinks it's okay to just be a full-blown tyrant. she loves making sure everything is under her control and everything is exactly her way. (for instance, she's threatened to make kasey and i break up unless he gets a job or does something with his education.) she claims she's tired of driving him around but he ALWAYS rides his bike over to my house. i cannot remember the last time she went to his house/apartment to either pick me up or pick him up. she shit talks everyone she knows if they say or do one thing not in her favor. she's a pathalogical liar. (for example, she always told me she never did anything bad. well defacs came to my house over the summer and drug tested her. i told them she would never do anything, even weed. welp, god forbid, she was positive for cannibis.) she is hypocritical (a.k.a: last example). she is over-bearing. even when something is done exactly how she stated she had wanted it done, it isn't good enough. (example, my grades. i have a high b average. but ofcourse that isn't good enough because i am ugly, fat, i never do anything with my makeup, and i never do anything with my hair. i am completely horrible in her opinion.) according to her i am a "fucking bitch" and "ungrateful" for absolutely everything. granted, i can be extremely ungrateful in HER sake. she is the cheapest person i know. she bought me a new camera but ofcourse she bought the one on sale because it was being discontinued due to technical issues with the flash.) she LOVES being in EVERYONE'S business, if i havn't said that a million times. this girl used to live with us and when that girl started to realize what SHE wanted to do with her own life, she was kicked out for it. welp, that's my mom for you.
i can't stand her.
nothing is or ever will be good enough for her.
i didn't feel like going to random people and telling them how much i hate her because i would feel bad later on. plus, i'm sure everyone thinks i'm exaggerating or just saying this because i have all that teen angst in me.
i've just never had a good relationship with EITHER of my parents. i know i have said over and over how much i hate my dad for doing what he did to me but living with my mother, alone, i'm starting to see what my dad was going through. ugh.
-end rant-