Remember going to the beach and making sand castles seems to be the best thing ever?!
(50mm on FG20, with 200 mitsubishi film)
Remember when happiness is a given fact that it's so effortless?
that, only happen when you're young.
Trust me, when you are old (or old enough),
happiness is, actually very effortful
To many, being with people we love, means joy
But unfortunately, as we grow older, we grow apart as well.
Therefore, in order to gather, it requires A LOT of effort
arranging venues, agree with a time... endless planning.
While, others might finds contentment in material things..
no doubt, retail therapy does work.
however, buying means spending...
hence, more effort is needed to earn more, in order to own more.
again, it's effortful.
Then when you starts to get bored and think about living more interesting...
perhaps the annual celebrations?
or, a trip somewhere?
everything that makes you happy,
you have to work hard to earn it.
when happiness is man-made.
Not so happy anymore isn't it?