Jun 13, 2008 02:08
So, I guess my move date has been pushed back. Sigh. While I am extremely happy about the recognition of my qualifications and the reaffirmation of my self-worth, it is still undeniably frustrating to be told how good you are, only to still lose. :(
From the supervisor for the position:
Dear Abby,
I had to choose another person for the Economic Development Research Associate job. I want you to know that this was a hard decision. The person chosen for the job has more formal education, research experience, and GIS training than you do, as well as a commitment to sustainable community development as sincere as anyone’s. In spite of these differences, it was hard not to accept your application. You’ve shown great initiative, competence, and dedication to helping people develop their communities, and I would really have enjoyed working with you in this job.
I hope that you’ll continue to keep up with CNT, including our job postings, and that we’ll have a chance to work together in the future.
[supervisor of the position]
Facebook message from the girl who has the position now:
Subject: Don't tell...
but you were my choice. You sound so much more personable than the person we chose, but in the end the lure of someone with a Masters willing to work for so little was just too tempting for Dave, I think. If the guy's references hadn't said he wasn't nuts (we were wondering) you would have had the job. Let us both hope that upon getting our Masters we'll land positions paying better than the mid- to upper-20s...
I'm not sure we've ever met in person but the UofC world is small enough that we may have crossed paths (I was a history major but have no memory, so my apologies if we have met and I forgot). If you're looking for perspectives on planning school, or anything else you think I might be useful for, feel free to look me up. City-lovers unite!
Best of luck in everything!
[girl who is leaving the position]