Wondering what I should or think...
My dad come home each dad and as to use my computer and most of the time it's only to play stupid games, thing is he often does that when I'm finally inspired to write something. I try to write what I have in mind in a book, but that never works right because when I have the book where I wrote the scene in before me I always change it. Like it's never good enough.and the result of it, I most of the time throw it aways and end up losing my inspration!
Or I sometimes have the opposite too much ideas, too much inspirations which also ends with me write nothing down because there's so much in my head that it is impossible to write it down.
And I so desprately wanted to write another chapter for
Trapped it's been so long since I've been able to write for that one, thing is I'm full of ideas for it too, but I have to say I expected a little more reviews, I know it's not the most impostant this, but I love to know why poeple read my stories and why they love it so if you care to go read and you like it drop a little line there, okay? Please???
You guys are awesome! Link to the story