A Day at a Time

Jun 30, 2007 21:33

Was there a moment when I thought that life could mean something more than a desolate feeling of discovering pain and slow death? For a time that was all I could think about and surround myself in. And then here come life's little surprises that comes as gifts or blessings under disguise and just as fast, disappears abruptly before you even manage to realize what it is you have experienced. For every moment that you breathe, there is actually a choice waiting to become an opportunity for a lifetime discovery or a moment to just delve in a joyful or nostalgic memory. Each of us carries with us the power to influence and create the simplest, and somewhat ironically the most majestic situation or event in our lives. Whether we are aware or we are in or not in control doesn't matter, so long as we realize we can do something in the present moment.
The fact is though; I will always be plagued with moments of confusion and doubt. I won't know how I will react to things and events but I will fight for what I believe in and stand for. Some things may change and everyone may change indefinitely but there are also little things that will remain forever the same. At least in our knowledge and in our minds it will. To gain hold of a purpose is my ultimate goal and even if it is a dream that kills, what is the greatest thing a person could ever do is to die for their dreams. A glory that no one else can protest for it is not a world for everyone but those who believe. I often write but become indecisive or my thoughts will unravel all over the place leaving me in a fog. When the fog finally clears, I wonder where I will be.
Maybe, I will finally find my place among the clouds...
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