Kaylynn Langarek: A Black Widow Challenge .6

Jul 07, 2008 21:38

Warnings: Possible use of the word that was used to scar an 'Amish' child, as well as other curses, possible nudity, horrible creativity, stolen ideas, and the likes.
Well, except for the idea that I totally stole from the wonderful kingmike1224.

I couldn't sleep. Things hadn't gone right. I didn't know what to do. I had been woken up this morning from a yell from Nervous, and later in the day I had gotten a call from Javier. The twins had worn me out, crying all day. And now I couldn't sleep.

I had to get out of the house. I needed to talk to somebody who I didn't need to hide things from. Sure, I could talk to Nervous, but... Well, I've already talked to Nervous, and that didn't calm my nerves.

"Kaylynn? What are you doing here? At midnight?"

I looked nervously at the smiling face of my younger sister, Janette Loner. The last time I had seen her, she had lectured me about how 'irresponsible' it was of me to have killed Daniel. That had been ages ago, but Janette had always held onto things.

"Awh, Kaylynn! How come you never come visit me? I assume there is a reason for you to show up in the middle of the night?"

My sister said something and walked into the house, but I didn't catch it. I didn't feel good. I regretted showing up. But it was too late, I couldn't leave now.
"Can I use your bathroom?" I asked, my stomach churning. She directed me to the bathroom, and I collapsed in front of the toilet.

It hadn't been like this before, when I had come to talk to her about having killed Daniel. I hadn't felt so damn guilty. And I didn't even have something to be worried about this time. Well, okay, not exactly true, but I should have felt sick before, not now.

But it was okay. This was Janette. Jan. Little Jan. The youngest of three girls, Jan. The one who listened to me, Jan.
With a comforting smile, Janette laid her hand down on her table, and I put mine over hers.
It reminded me of mom, and I thought of what mom might think, and that made my stomach churn again.

"So, Kaylynn, you have something you want to talk about? Going through your mid-life crisis? Pregnant? Menopause? Started finding gray hairs? What?"

"You haven't done anything stupid, have you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Stupid? Me? No! Of course not. Just because I felt sick to my stomach afterwards and had done something that COULD have ruined my life, didn't mean it was stupid.

"W-Well, you see Janette... I'm going to be a grandmother."

"Apparently, teaching your children about safe sex is important. But I would never have thought that any of MY children would go about, well... you know. Having sex."
"You mean, being teenagers? Kaylynn, sweetie, just because mom and dad were lax doesn't mean you should be."

"I know... Anyway. They are engaged, and they've decided that Javier is going to move out of my house and get a job, and that they're going to get their own little place, and that they're going to do it all by themselves."
"Lucky you. If Jay-Jay got somebody pregnant, he'd sit his sorry ass down on the couch and eat potato chips and leave the poor girl the hell alone."

"And, I uh... Sort of... killed someone?"
"Except not really! I thought I did, but, um, well..."

"Apparently I didn't hit him hard enough, because he sort of woke up this morning..."

"Nervous handled it all, and I'm not quite sure what happened, I was asleep when Frances woke up."

"He remembered that Nervous was Madelyne's step-father, and that he was staying with us for the summer, because he had problems with his parents, but other then that, not much."

"Like... his name?"
"Nope. He made a big show about trying to guess it."

"Nervous didn't really believe at first, that he didn't remember, but if he had remembered, wouldn't he have remembered me trying to kill him? And then wouldn't he have tried to, I dunno, get the hell out of our house?"

"Nervous actually had to EXPLAIN a lot of stuff to Frances. Or atleast, thats what he said."

"He thought that is was abosutely hilarious that his name was Frances."

"Was anything else wrong with him?"
"Not that we know. He even picked up a book he had been reading and continued reading from his spot."
"Weird." Janette shrugged.

"We're going to tell people he fell down the stairs."
"You think they'll believe that?"
"I sure hope they'll believe it!"

"We convinced him to believe it, though, so I think that it'll be fine. I hope."

We talked a while longer, about unimportant things mostly, and at about two thirty, when I was just about to fall asleep, Janette led me outside to my cat.

"Oh, Jan, its been great seeing you." I sighed, pulling my sister into a hug.
"Same here! But Kay, next time, PLEASE come with a better reason, please?"
I laughed lightly, nodding. "I promise, don't worry."

After that, things changed. Javier and Katy moved into their little house, refusing the money that both Nervous and I and her parents offered it to them, in favor of doing it by themselves.

While I was worried about them, they seemed to be capable of doing things by themselves, and they welcomed my grandson, little Oliver, into a loving home.

And, even though I'm scared they'll do something stupid, I know they're happy, and thats all that matters.

Nervous and I went on to get married, in the back yard, with no one else but us in attendance.

The girls got bigger, and I soon found out that just because they were twins didn't mean they would get along.

And Frances helped to fill in Javier's place, making more noise than he ever had.

After going through all the business of taking Frances to a hopsital and alerting his parents, they didn't care much. They didn't want him in the house.
He didn't want to go back to college, either. He wanted to stay with us. And, after I convinced myself he wasn't going to be making any moves on my huspand, he moved in.

Months after Janette had mentioned it, I found my first gray hair, and immediately got my hair cut to look more 'dignified' instead of old.

Having a male that was not related to anyone in the house was a bit strange. The twins didn't seem to notice it half as much as Sonya and Polly-Anna did, and even me, I admit.

Polly-Anna certainly wasn't shy about her affections for Frances. It was certainly embarressing to walk into the living room and hear her growl "Nice ass."
Though I cannot say I wasn't amused.

And Sonya... Well, Sonya wasn't out there with Frances. She was shy, but it wasn't unusual to see her holding his hand, or flirting shyly with him.

And I admit, I once or twice found myself in some sort of situation with Frances.

All without Nervous ever suspecting a thing.


Javier: My girlfriend is pregnant, my life is ruined!

Jackson: Hey Nervous, you do know Abby is sort of in love with you?

Sonya: What the hell am I doing? He's sleeping with my brother and my sister has the hots for him. And he looks weird.

Lilac: Lilac sad. Lilac very very said.

The idea of fashion scares Sonya.

Chas Dale approves of this story.
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