Numeric thoughts are fun.

May 15, 2005 22:27

I have wasted the day away on pretending that there aren't wet clothes in the washer than need drying and eating cereal. Oh, yes. I feel so very productive.

I. Um, in case you've been living under a rock, you've noticed that geoviki (or Duinn Fionn, as some are of a mind to call her) posted her long-awaited sequel to A Thousand Beautiful Things. The novel is Delicate Sound of Thunder, and you've probably already read it because I am forever woefully late on these things, but you should read it again. And have you given her feedback yet?

II. So I won second place in ohreally___'s Summer of Sex and Soul Challenge. Neat, eh? And for mah prize, I gots myself two months paid LJ time. And just when I was almost out and going back to the dreaded land of free acounts and three userpics. Talk about timing.

II 1/2. Oh, and this is the winning entry. I have yet to post it due to the rules of the challenge, but, well, now it's posted. So feel free to nab it and do what you like with it. Previous versions are here and here.

III. everysingleway is ready to enjoy her summer and is currently looking for some recs of various pairings, including but definitely not limited to Harry/Draco, Blaise/Zacharias, Sirius/Remus, and even some het. So go rec her some!

IV. And finally, as a sort of poll question without the poll (for I am a lazy h0r), what do you think about HP fics that are set in foreign locations? (As in, outside of where they are set in the books.) I recieved an email on this matter, and would like to know your opinion.

numeric thoughts, recs

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