Apr 17, 2005 14:57
I have had a lot to write about this week, but I've been lazy too. So here's a re-cap of what has happened...
-I decided to have my wedding here in Huntsville. I don't think anybody likes that idea, but me. In the long run, it will be much easier to plan for me because I can see everything in real life. So that's that. I decided on who my bridal party will be and am mailing out cards this week. Chris and I met with the priest at my church yesterday. If you want to read more about my wedding planning and such, I have made my myspace.com blog about that.
-I have been very afraid for my job at work recently. Actually, since Thursday. One of my friends told me on Thursday that, because of the budget crisis the hospital is having right now, they have let her go. Meaning, she doesn't have a job anymore after this coming Friday. It sucks. She is a social worker for our floor. Grrr. I am very afraid for my position because it is something that the nurses have done prior to my working there. The thing is that I have heard that there is a hiring freeze and there are going to be lay-offs since February, but nothing has really become of it since now. They took away our employee discounts in the cafeteria, we won't get our paycheck stubs (showing that our pay was direct deposited) in paper anymore, stupid things like that are getting cut. They even took away the incentive pay for the nurses, which sucks because the hospital is so short of nurses that the ones they have now won't be as willing to work overtime because of no incentive.
-I upgraded my shipping on Amazon for my Harry Potter book so now the book should arrive on my doorstep the day that it is released (July 16). I am super-excited about that. I've been watching the Harry Potter movies whenever I can catch them on TV. A couple of weeks ago, I found out that the next Harry Potter movie will be released on November 18. I guess I will be watching that with Terry from work.
-I'm still scared about my eye. I don't know if I talked about it here already, but all the blood has cleared and now there is some nerve damage to the nerve that the blood was surrounding. There is a slight chance that my vision will never be fully restored in that eye. As it stands right now, my vision is 20/40 with contacts/glasses on. So yeah, I am very nervous about that. I try not to think about it because the more I think about it, the more scared I get that I will never be able to see well even with contacts in my eye.
-American Idol. I can't believe that almost all the girls are gone. There are two girls left and 5 guys. Crazy. I am somewhat rooting for Vonzell because she is from Ft. Myers.
That's all for now, I think. It's pretty outside so I think I'm going to read a book for a little while in the sun.