Bad Blood! Bad Blood! Bad Blood!

Jun 20, 2010 16:10

(image heavy)

MULDER: "Oh, shi..."

SCULLY: "Mulder--"
MULDER: "Don't. I know what I saw."

MULDER: "Look, Scully, I'm the one who may wind up going to prison here.
I got to know if you're going to back me up or what."
SCULLY: "First of all, if the family of Ronnie Strickland does indeed decide to sue the FBI for-- I think the figure
is $446 million -- then you and I both will most certainly be co-defendants and second of all...
I don't even have a second of all, Mulder. $446 million. I'm in this as deep as you are and I'm not even
the one that overreacted. I didn't do the..." (She makes a stabbing motion) "with the thing."
MULDER: "I did not overreact. Ronnie Strickland was a vampire."

MULDER: "Prison, Scully. Your cell mate's nickname is going to be Large Marge. She's going to read a lot of Gertrude Stein."

MULDER: "Hope you brought your cowboy boots."
SCULLY: "You want us to go to Dallas?"
MULDER: "Yee-haw! Actually, a town called Chaney, about 50 miles south of there, population 361... by all accounts,
very rustic and charming, but as of late, ground zero the locus for a series of mysterious nocturnal exsanguinations."
SCULLY: "Exsanguinations? Of whom?"
(Mulder turns on a slide projector)

MULDER: "How does that grab ya?"
SCULLY: "Is it a...?"
MULDER: "Dead cow!"
SCULLY: "Is there any sign of --?"
MULDER: "Two small puncture wounds on the neck?"
SCULLY: "I wasn't asking that.
MULDER: "Too bad. We got 'em. Check it out."

SCULLY: "Well, these may be syringe marks. Their placement meant to emulate fangs.
Such ritualistic blood-letting points towards cultists of some sort, in which case... What?"
MULDER: "Yeah, that's probably it, satanic cultists. Come on, Scully."
SCULLY: "You're not gonna tell me you think it's that Mexican goat sucker thing."
MULDER: "El Chupacabra? No, they got four fangs, not two, and they suck goats, hence the name."
SCULLY: "So, instead, this would be..."
MULDER: "Classic vampirism."
SCULLY: "Of a bunch of cows."
MULDER: "And one dead human last night - a vacationer from New Jersey. Come on, we got to go."
SCULLY: "Why the hell didn't you tell me that from the beginning?"
MULDER: "Lock the door on your way out."

HARTWELL: "Lucius Hartwell. You the FBI agents?"
MULDER: "Yes. I'm... Agent Mulder and... uh... Scully. What do you say, we go take a look at your victim."
HARTWELL: "Yeah, by all means. After you."
MULDER: "Come on, Scully, get those little legs moving. Come on."

SCULLY: "He believes he is a vampire, therefore..."
HARTWELL: "They act like one. Yeah. Yeah. That makes a whole lot of sense. I think she's right."
MULDER: "What about the fang marks?"
SCULLY: "Well, someone so obsessed might well file down their incisors.
I think that a moulage casting should help us make an identification."
HARTWELL: "Moulage casting, that's a good idea. Now... now, isn't there some kind of
disease that makes a person think that they're a vampire?"
SCULLY: "Well, there is a psychological fixation called hematodipsia which
causes the sufferer to gain erotic satisfaction from consuming human blood."
HARTWELL: "Erotic. Yeah."
SCULLY:" Mmm. There are also genetic afflictions which cause a heightened sensitivity
to light, uh, to garlic -- porphyria, xeroderma pigmentosum."
HARTWELL: "You really know your stuff, Dana."

MULDER: "Dana?! He never even knew your first name."
SCULLY: "You're gonna interrupt me or what?"
MULDER: "No. Go ahead ..... Dana."

MULDER: "Sheriff, do you have an old cemetery in town off the beaten path, the creepier the better?"
HARTWELL: "Uh, yeah."
MULDER: "Take me there now."
SCULLY: "Mulder..."
MULDER: "Scully, we're going to need a complete autopsy on this man, the sooner the better."
SCULLY: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What am I even looking for?"
MULDER: "I don't know."

SCULLY: "4:54 PM, begin autopsy on white male, age 60, who is arguably having a worse time in Texas than I am...
although not by much." (She holds a scalpel in her hand) "I'll begin with the "y" incision."
(The blade falls to the floor) "Yee-haw."

"Heart weighs 370 grams, tissue appears healthy. Left lung weighs 345 grams,
tissue appears healthy. Large intestine... 890 grams, yada yada yada."

"Stomach contents show last meal close to the time of death, consisting of... pizza.
Topped with pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms... mushrooms... That sounds really good."

SCULLY: "Mulder? Are you okay?"
MULDER: "Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks? Shaft! Can you dig it?
They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother... Shut your mouth! Talkin' 'bout Shaft."

MULDER: "I did not!"

MULDER: "You are afraid to tell the truth."
SCULLY: "Excuse me?"
MULDER: "That's not the way it happened at all. I mean, what are you afraid of?
That if you tell it the way it really happened, that you'll look like an idiot, like me?"
SCULLY: "Mulder? Why don't you tell me the way you think it happened? Starting at the beginning."

MULDER: "You're damn right."

SCULLY: "Hoo, boy."
HARTWELL: "Y'all must be the gov'ment people."

SCULLY: "He had big buck teeth?"
MULDER: "He had a slight over bite."
SCULLY: "No, he didn't. And that's significant? How?"
MULDER: "I'm just trying to be thorough."

MULDER: "No exam has been done?"
HARTWELL: "No, sir. This is just like we found him in the motel room as is."
SCULLY: (Dreamily gazing at the sheriff, repeats) "No exam has been done?"
HARTWELL: "Uh... No, ma'am."

MULDER: "Here's something you may not know:
Shooting out the tires on a runaway RV is a lot harder than it looks. I then tried a different approach."

MULDER: "Tired, frustrated and lacking a solid lead, I just wanted to get cleaned up.
I had the sheriff drop me at the motel, which is where I ran into you."
SCULLY: "What do you mean you want me to do another autopsy?! And why do I have to do it right now?!
I just spent hours on my feet doing an autopsy, all for you. I do it all for you, Mulder.
You know, I haven't eaten since 6:00 this morning, and all that was, was a half a
cream cheese bagel, and it wasn't even real cream cheese, it was light cream cheese.
And now you want me to run off and do another autopsy? What the hell happened to you?"

SCULLY: "Mulder, please just keep reminding him you were drugged."
MULDER: "Would you stop that?"
SCULLY: "It wouldn't hurt."
MULDER: "Stop it."
(Skinner opens his door and sticks his head out)
SKINNER: "Scully, Mulder..."
MULDER: "I was drugged!"

HARTWELL: "Evening, agents. I heard y'all were back in town. Thought I might be of some assistance."
(As he talks, Scully flashes her teeth to Mulder and points to them. Hartwell, in fact, does not have buck teeth)
MULDER: "Yeah, actually you can. You can stay behind here with Agent Scully and keep an eye on things
while I check something out." (He puts his hand on her shoulder, says quietly in exaggerated Southern accent)
"Don't say I never did nothing for ya."

HARTWELL: "I really need to apologize to you about Ronnie. He makes us all look bad.
He's just not who we are anymore." (She realizes she's been drugged and begins to show the effects)
"I mean, we pay taxes, we're good neighbors. Old Ronnie, he just ... he can't quite seem to grasp the
concept of ... low profile." (Scully's head falls to the seat back. Hartwell takes the coffee cup and looks away)
"But though he may be a moron, he is one of our own." (He turns back to her and his eyes are glow in the dark green)

MULDER: "Ronnie Strickland... you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and
will be used against you in a court of law. Come on, cut it out, Ronnie!"

MULDER: "Oh damn... Back!"

SCULLY: "Mulder?" (Scully's wearing the sheriff's coat)
MULDER: "Scully, what happened?"
SCULLY: "I came to in the cemetery. That's all I know."
(Mulder checks his neck in the rear view window. It's clean. He gets out of the car and looks at Scully.
Mulder checks Scully's neck. It's clean. He looks down at the coat, decides to not say anything
then looks around at the deserted trailer park)

SKINNER: "So, that's it? They simply disappeared without a trace.
And that's exactly the way it happened from start to finish?"
SCULLY: "Well, I can neither confirm nor deny agent Mulder's version
of events which occurred outside my presence."
MULDER: "And I can neither confirm nor deny agent Scully's version of events, but, um..."
SCULLY: "Anyway... I was drugged."
MULDER: "That is ... essentially, exactly the way it happened."
SCULLY: "Essentially."

MULDER VOICE OVER: "Except for the part about the buck teeth."

Hope you liked it! :)

♥ Screencaps from Chrisnu and me ;)
♥ Dialogue from InsidetheX
♥ Please ask before reposting the images.

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