Apr 04, 2005 20:02
I swear that if I didn't love that girl so much I'd kill her. I'd just give up but I can't despite all the promos I cut saying I can.
Yes, the cat's outta the bag. When I get bored/depressed/full of any emotion really I sit around and cut promos on people. It's all good fun except sometimes it really gets me going and for some really odd reason about 80% of the time my heel promos have a slight English accent to them. I'm just glad no one has ever walked in on one of these sessions, I think it'd be hard to explain why exactly I'm sitting in my room shaking, covered with goosebumps and talking to a person/people that aren't there. Whatever, I love me some promos.
So I spent Friday & Saturday with Eric, Ryan, Jill, & Amy. Friday had Allen, Ox, & some other cat whose name I didn't catch (or try to find out really) and the six of them (everyone except Amy) played Dungeons & Dragons all while sarcastic little me made fun of just about everything. Much thanks to Duncan for providing me with a few good insults, though only the "shout random awful events when shit gets opened" actually applied. Saturday featured Patty & Zaj. Eric was having a birthday get together, so the house was empty except for the 7 of us. We played some fucked up version of hide and go seek that featured girls getting scared, me hiding in a closet wearing nothing but boxers & an inside out t-shirt (the missing attire was my skirt, socks, & hoodie), Patty grabbing my ass, ankle, & thigh while I was in said closet as she was trying to find me, Amy grabbing my ass while we were all in the bathroom waiting for Ryan to hide.
Total damage on the body from Saturday: hurt my ankle w/some wildly thrown kicks to a bag, sore calves, sore thighs, sore lower back, sore upper back, sore shoulders, sore biceps, sore muscle gimmick that's in front of the armpit, extremely sore neck, a two inch brushburn type cut on my left calf, an inch long cut high on my right thigh, me almost passing out two or three times, and a nice collection of cuts to the tongue. All in all I'd say it was a good day.
But yeah, the cuts to the tongue directly tie into something that I've wanted to do for a while but never did; blood mist. I keep a surgical blade in my wallet at all times. I'm not sure why, it's just one of those things that I do. I pulled it out, cut my tongue at least 4 times, then closed my mouth & began sucking blood out of it. Oddly enough no one noticed, nor did the process hurt at all. I spit the first mouthful and liked the effect but knew I could do better so I went back inside and cut a few more times, sucked some more and I enjoyed the result much more the second time around.
Must go finish Foley is Good so I can hopefully start something else during Raw.
Abby Jr.