Raven Kaldera's recently released Jotunbok is now available from Amazon. Subtitled Working With The Giants of the Northern Tradtion, it features written contributions from yours truly, as well as cover art.
Book Description: The Gods of the Northern Tradition - the religion of the ancient Norse/Germanic/Anglo-Saxon peoples - have been rediscovered in growing numbers in the past years, as have the elves and dwarves that inhabit the Nine Worlds of the Cosmic Tree along with them. However, few have written about the Giants of those worlds and the Gods who number among them Loki, Hela, Fenris, the World Serpent, and others -until now. The Jotunbok, the first book in the Northern-Tradition Shamanism series, is a collection of the wisdom, ways and tales of the Giants and their Gods, told by those who revere and work with them.
Direct link to the Jotunbok at
Amazon UKDirect link to the Jotunbok at
Amazon.com Paperback: 556 pages
Publisher: Lulu.com (August 25, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 1847287298
Product Dimensions: 9.0 x 6.0 x 1.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.78 pounds