Nov 05, 2004 17:10
Copied and pasted directly from the Florida Times-Union, Ann Coulter puts it better than I could ever hope to.
“The Democrats threw everything they had at this election. They ran a phony Vietnam War hero and a phony Southerner. They had middle-aged women executives at MTV hawking “Rock the Vote” to entice the most uninformed young people to vote for Kerry. They had Bruce Springstein, Dave Matthews and Eminem. They had documentaries, books, the universities, Hollywood (and the French!) on their side.
They had liberal thugs ransacking Bush-Cheney headquarters, stealing signs, and slashing get-out-the-vote vans on Election Day. In Colorado, they traded voter registrations for crack cocaine. In Ohio, the registered Mary Poppins and Dick Tracy. In South Carolina, Emily’s’ List called Republican households and gave them incorrect information and the location of polling places.
The media campaigned heavily for Kerry with endless Abu Ghraib coverage, phony National Guard Documents and, days before the election, false news reports that hundreds of tons of munitions had been looted in Iraq.
The Democrats’ cheating never stopped. The big story of this election is the fraudulent exit polls on Election Day. Strange as it seems to me, it is well acknowledged that people are more likely to come out and vote for a winner. Early exit polls showing Kerry the clear winner could be expected to depress the vote for Bush.
Stunningly inaccurate exit polls released around noon on Election Day convinced news anchors, talking heads, and even the campaigns that Kerry would win walking away. But at 9pm, when the first actual results began to come in, the election flipped to Busy. It was the first Kerry flip-flop that actually served the national interest.
The exit polls were absurd: They showed Kerry winning Pennsylvania by 20 points and Busy tied with Kerry in Mississippi. Only monkey business can explain the wildly pro-Kerry exit polls-admittedly hard to believe with a party that has behaved so honorably throughout this election. Michael Barone speculates that the sites of exit polling were leaked to the Democrats, and Democrats sent large numbers of voters to those polls to take exit polls and throw the results.
But for all their chicanery, vote-stealing, Hollywood starlets, fake polls and faux patriotism, Democrats were wiped out on Election Day.
Bush won the largest popular vote in history with a 3.5 million margin. Indeed, simply by getting a majority of the country to vote for him-the left’s most hated politician since Richard Nixon-Bush did something “rock star” Bill Clinton never did. Bush maintained or increased his vote in every state but Vermont. Republicans picked up seats in the House and Senate, and continue to dominate state governorships.
To Michael Moore, George Sores, Dan Rather, and Al Franken---you were great, guys! Thanks for the help! We couldn’t have done it without you!
Of course, we could have done it a lot earlier on election night but for “Boy Genius” Karl Rove. It’s absurd that the election was as close as it was. The nation is at war, Bush is a magnificent wartime leader, and the night before the election we didn’t know if a liberal tax-and-spend, Vietnam War-protesting senator from Massachusetts would beat him.
As we now know, the most important issue to voters was not terrorism, but moral values. Marriage amendments won by lopsided majorities in all 11 states where they were on the ballot.
Seventy percent to 80 percent of Americans oppose gay marriage and partial-birth abortion.
But Rove concluded Bush should stay mum on gay marriage and partial-birth abortion-contravening the politicians’ rule of thumb: Talk about your positions that are wildly popular with voters.
Amazingly, it was the Democrats-the ones who support gay marriage-who used the gay issue for political advantage, most famously when Kerry gay-baited Mary Cheney during the third debate.”
--Ann Coulter, my hero