
Jul 13, 2005 18:06

Hey Everyone whats goin on? i havent updated in a long time.... lot has happend since then... well sunday we were gettin ready to go campin and first my sis amanda took a pregnancy test and it was posotive so we went campin still she got a appt. and stuff and her baby is due march 5... im excited lol she is really big to only be like 2 months we think shes gonna have twins... i would be pullin my hair out lol jus more kids for me to take care of... lol.... well aiden my sisters baby is doin great he is a fatty lol im baby sittin him rite now hes a brat... he has strip throat rite now poor thing... well ne ways...thats all i really got to say now... ttyl byebye....
much of luvs**
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