the student no school wanted, the school no student wanted, and the school that took pity.

Aug 13, 2005 22:17's what you've all been waiting for. i swear that this week of my life could be turned into a movie. i purposely waited till the end of the week to do this entry cause i wanted to see how it would turn out. it looks like we're in for a happy ending. it goes

Monday-The first day of school. At Mandarin. i wasn't really dreading it or anything. i was fully prepared to give it a chance. So we started with first period band. the people in the class were really nice. there was only one wasn't my class. i was supposed to be in second period(i play a woodwind) but my schedule was messed up. so the teacher tried to sort that out while i tried to sort out where i was supposed to be next and where the heck that was. second period i had english. the teacher was pretty nice and super organized so there was no chance of her loosing papers or anything like ms. bailey used to do. the class was quiet. i think everybody was afraid to talk. in third period biology i recognized a few people from Mandarin Oaks Elem. and sat next to a girl from my 5th grade class but she didn't talk to me. i don't think she recognized me. i had 4th lunch so i was starving by the time lunch rolled around. i didn't have anybody to sit with so i just felt kinda weird and sat by myself. but then Juliana from mandarin oaks and eighth grade at lavilla came and sat with me. that was a suprise cause i didn't know she was going there. after lunch you can just walk around in the courtyards but w/ nobody to look for it can get pretty boring. eventually i got to fourth period geometry w/ ms. judy. i usually get along with most teachers but this one is a COMPLETE AIRHEAD!!! she didn't know any of the answers and i have noo idea in the universe how she came to be a math teacher. well the school day was over and the only person who i had talked to the whole day at school was Juliana. so...yeah.

Tuesday-over all better than the first. i just kept on meeting people from elementry school. but how can you FIND anybody in the school with 3000 people! there were about 35 people in each class and it was just sooo crowded!! i won't bore you with the fine details, but basicly today was the day i decided that i didn't like mandarin too much.

Wednesday-ummmm i don't remember anything special or horrible about the school day on wednesday except the bus ride. i had to ride the bus home. in my head i was thinking "oh, no big deal, the bus ride'll be over in like 20 minutes" but i get on the bus and everybody is sitting 3 to a seat with people standing up and sitting all on the floor. basicly it was crammmmmmed. so i squeeze in and the bus driver takes off and at the first stop EVERYBODY except like 5 people get off. weird. then when i got home karen (who went to the superindendant's office after school w/ her mom) called and told me the dealeo. that stanton had NO more room. and that we were gunna be invited to go to Paxon instead. i didn't know if i would want to switch...but then i thought about how much better paxon would be than mandarin. and i made up my mind. too bad they didn't call that night. so i had to go to mandarin one more day. my mom assured me that as soon as they called her, she would be over at mandarin filling out a student withdraw form.

Thursday-This was probably the best day yet, and it happened to be the day i was leaving the school. i talked to a girl from my biology class in band and we became lab partners third period. i was getting kind of worried that my mom wasn't there by lunch but then i remembered that mandarin time is a lot earlier than it seems. in reality it was only about 12:30 and my mom would probably want to stop for some lunch before she made the trek all the way down to mandarin. so about 10 minutes i am called to guidence. we spent like an hour checking in all my textbooks and stuff. i thought what the librarian said was really funny...she saw my withdraw form and was like "ohh! where are you coming from?" and i was like "well actually i'm leaving" "where are you going to?" "paxon." "GREAT!!" hahah i swear that's what she said. lol. so then we get to paxon and i get my schedule arranged and everything. then i check out my textbooks, get an ID. then my mom and i were in the hallway trying to figure out a map when the bell rang. within like 5 minutes i saw the following people that i recognized-Jarvis, Andrew, Melissa, Casey, Cameron, Carlina, Paige, Ashley, Lindsey, Bryant, Jessie, Gabby, and even more people i knew. I felt really welcome. and anybody you run into will be like "ohh hi! are you new here? my name is ____ just tell me if you need help finding anything." yay. people talked to me

Friday-well here comes the curve ball...i woke up and my right eye hurt like heckamabob. both my eyes were really watery, and i was really sensitive to light. i couldn't keep my eyes open in my bedroom with one lamp on and i had to wear sunglasses in the kitchen. my grandpa who's a doctor looked at my eyelid and it was extremely red. so my mom told me to take my contacts out (i have the kind that you can sleep in). this proved harder than it sounds. i couldn't open my eyes wide enough to take the contacts out. so my mom has to lay me down on my bed and hold my eye open while i tryed to get the dang things out. i took me about 5 minutes of intense pain and pokings of the eye to realize that i had already gotten my contact out. i put on my glasses and my mom drove me to the eye doctor. let me just tell you it hurrrrt so bad. so they put these drops to numb my eyes, then they look at them, then put about 10 other kinds of drops in. the verdict is: my contacts were too dry so they scratched up my eye and eyelid. and i have to wear my glasses for a couple days while my eyes heal. and in the meanwhile i have to do different eyedrops around 6 times a day. the moral for today is...keep your eyes moisturized. okay...but then i was well enough to go to paxon. i had already missed 1st period latin but i might be able to get some of the make up work from my 2-4 period A day teachers. so i did. it was okay once my eyes stopped hurting. i talked to some people. saw a bunch of people that i knew already. at lunch i saw some LaVilla people who introduced me to some Paxon people. my favorite class of the day was Biology though. the teacher was really nice and just told me what i needed to do to make up all the work. she gave me the worksheets then assigned me to a lab group. they are all really nice. they let me copy the metric measurements that i missed. yeah...i sure did miss a lot. lol. so thank the Lord i got through this week and thank the Lord for the happy ending. i can't wait for B day. p.s. if you read all of this you are a very gracious person. or perhaps you were just extremely bored. or maybe you wanted to hear a good story. whatever.
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