[Complete] Lovin' 2- Chapter 20

Aug 27, 2010 16:35

What do you get a confused girl who is in love with two guys + an amazing song sung by the one and only Ninomiya Kazunari? (>_<) You'll find out in this chapter!!
Chapter 20

“Happy Birthday to you!~” Everyone sang to me as I blew out my candles on my birthday cake. The cake was decorated with assorted fruits and fresh cream. It was topped with a lot of my favorites, strawberries and cantaloupes.

I grabbed the knife and slowly sliced the cake. After when everyone had a piece of cake, I grabbed a slice for myself and sat in my living room beside the patio door. It was snowing. I gasped and smiled as the white fluffy snow fell down to the ground.

“What are you looking at?” I turned around and saw Ohno coming into the room. I smiled and pointed to the snow. “It’s snowing outside.”

He sat down beside me with his piece of cake. “Ne, do you want my strawberries and cantaloupe?” He asked me. I looked at him and asked. “Are you sure?” He nodded his head and placed the fruit on my plate. I smiled and bowed my head. “Arigato.”

I started to eat the cake. “Ne, do you want to spend Christmas with me?” I started to chock on my cake. I coughed and then Ohno quickly grabbed a glass of water for me. I drank it as he rubbed my back.

“What’s going…” Ohno and I turned our heads to see Nino at the door. He bit his lip before walking towards me. He grabbed my hand and he lifted me up. I quickly placed my cake on the table before he took me somewhere. I wanted to finish my cake too…

“Where are you taking me, Ninomiya-san?” I asked him. He didn’t give me a reply. He just dragged me to where the presents were, which were in my dining room, along with everyone else.

“Ninomiya-san!” I said as I tried to yank him off. He pushed me into a chair and grabbed a guitar. Then he started to play a beautiful melody.

~As always.
You are sulking.
Hiding the important things to me.
Because that place is certainly the same,
I'll go there first today and wait.

The seasons bring the evening sun.
I found my shadow extending...~

As he was playing, I stared at him singing and playing. He looked beautiful as a sunflower opening up to let the whole world to see it’s beautiful center. His voice ringed through my ears, I didn’t forget any lyrics that he had sung. The tune was already constantly replaying in my head.

~The rainbow is beautiful.
No, you are more beautiful...
To you who begins to shine,

Thank you. Thank you.~

Everyone clapped as I blankly looked at him. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. “Otanjoubi omedetou, Megumi-chan.” I widened my eyes. I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to run away. My heart was already confused enough. Why did they come into my picture? I was living in peace and harmony, but they came down like lighting and shook up my life.

Tears started to run down my cheek. I bent my head down so no one could see. “Kya! Nino-chan that was the greatest present for me…I mean Megumi-chan. Right, Megumi-chan?” My mother shouted and jumped up and down. I didn’t say anything.

I got up and grabbed my coat. I slipped on my boots and quickly left the house.

I hated my life. Why did I have to choose between two guys that I hold so close to my heart? Why couldn’t I choose already? I don’t know why my feelings would always waver.

I walked along the empty and cold street. There was no one around which was good. I looked around and found an empty children’s park. I sat at a bench underneath a tent so the benches weren’t fully covered with snow.

“Do you might if I sit here?” Someone asked me. I looked at the person to see it was my mother. “Okaasan…” I muttered.

She giggled and wrapped a scarf around me. “What happened? Why did you leave your own birthday party?” She asked me.

I shook my head as more tears started to run down my cheek. “Okaasan, my heart is in pain and my head is always confused. I can’t decide which guy I should choose. Why did God let this happen to me?”

My mother sighed and she pushed my head so it was resting on her shoulder. “Why do you have to choose right away? Your heart and emotions will slowly choose for you. You have time, don’t worry.” My mother said as she stroke my hair.

“But Okaasan, you always say that you want to see your grandchildren before you die.” I said and she laughed. “I do but I want to make sure that you have found your destined partner first. You can’t go marrying off a guy that you don’t love, right?”

I nodded my head and smiled. “Arigato, okaasan.” Then I hugged her.

We started to smile at each other; we had shared a priceless mother-daughter moment. She helped me up and we started to walk towards the house, when I saw Ohno and Nino panting towards me. I guess they were both worried.

“She’s fine, boys. Nino-chan’s song made her cry and she wanted to hide her embarrassed face.” My mother smiled as she told a lie to them. They both nodded their heads and my mother was still holding on to me.

We walked inside to see everyone in front of entrance. I smiled and bowed my head. “Gomen. I just needed some fresh air. Now, let’s get this party started!” I shouted and laughed.

Everyone nodded their heads and started to walk towards my living room. “Okaasan, you have the Wii hooked up, right?” My mother nodded her head and I took off my boots and coat. “Let’s play some Wii!”

genre: friendship, fanfic, arashi: ninomiya kazunari, original character, arashi: ohno satoshi, rating: pg-13, genre: romance, group: arashi, p: ninomiya kazunari/oc/ohno satoshi

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