[Complete] Koe wo Kikasete- Chapter 22

Aug 31, 2012 20:57

School is starting soon so that means I won't be able to write a lot of fanfics. minim87 and khaulabear, I would like to apologize in advance that it will take longer than expected to release your requested fanfics. Gomenasai! I'll try to work on it during my school days and I hope to release it after the story that I'm half-way finished working on, so please stay tune! (。-_-。)

I'm sad to say that this is the second last chapter of the series. I wanted to add a cute and fluff chapter like how plays add in a comic relief. So chill in your chair and relax because you may be giggling while reading this chapter. (>ω<*)ノノ

-After being encountered by Sora, he had revealed all the missing puzzle pieces that Yuki couldn't figure out. As soon as the news broke out, reporters began pestering Yuki into giving out some of the information about the case concerning her brother. Jun enters into the scene and tries to help Yuki by asking them to go away, but that didn't do anything. Actually it made it worse and now Jun was being pestered by the nosy reporters. Yuki couldn't stand it anymore and said that she doesn't know anything and asked them to ask the police for answers. Yuki took a chance and grabbed Jun's hand as she dashed out of the crowd. As soon as the close was clear, Yuki let go and began to stroll down the street. They happened to stop at a jewelry store and Jun began to joke around her. But Yuki was serious and told him that she wasn't going to love anyone anymore because of what had happened to the people who loved her. Jun was convinced and suggested that he drive her home. During the car ride, Jun asked her if she was serious and she said that it can't be helped. At the same time, the radio DJ played a song that was requested by a listener. The song happen to be the song that connected her, him and Aiba together. Before Yuki climbed out of his car, Jun left her an impression that he was in love with her. What will happen in this chapter? What will Yuki's final answer be?
Chapter 22

“Now it definitely feels like summer!” Sho shouted as we got off from the rental van. After the huge mess with Sora and the very uneasy relationship with Aiba, the rest of the members decided to take me to the beach to enjoy the summer weather.

“But don’t you think we’ll be seen?” Ohno asked worryingly. Nino sighed as he wrapped an arm over his shoulder. “Don’t worry Leader. We made a plan B just in case.” Slowly a smirk appeared on his face. “Plan B?” Aiba asked confusingly. Nino nodded his head and took out some male clothes and a wig. “We’ll make Yuki-chan change into these.”

I furrowed my eyebrows and blinked my eyes a couple of times. “That’s plan B?” Aiba asked. Nino nodded his head again and shoved the clothes and wig to me. “If someone finds out that we’re with a girl, that would cause some problems for us, doesn’t it? But if they saw us hanging with a boy, they wouldn’t mind too much and just stare at us from afar. Some people do respect our privacy don’t they?” Nino said as he raised one of his eyebrows.

Suddenly he removed my baseball cap and glasses, revealing my messy boyish haircut. “Maybe we don’t need the wig after all. Just change into those and meet us back here. We’ll be setting up our stuff.” Nino said with a bright smile as he grabbed the wig and pushed me away.

I slowly turned my head around and looked at the other members. They shrugged their shoulders at me with perplexed looks and decided to follow with Nino’s plan.

I sighed as I lowered my head. I forced my own two feet towards the washroom and to be on the safe side, I entered the boy’s washroom. It wasn’t my first time entering one since I had to clean the washrooms as a part-time job, but this time was different. I didn’t have an excuse to enter one so if a male finds out… I’ll be in huge trouble.

Fortunately there was no one inside. I dashed into one of the stalls and started to change into the clothes Nino had given me. He gave me a big t-shirt, and some swimming shorts. Luckily I don’t have a big chest size or I would have doubted myself when Nino revealed his plan. Should I be really happy about that...?

A few minutes after, I walked out of the washroom stall to see two guys doing their business in the urinals. They turned their heads to me and I quickly looked away from them. I could instantly feel my cheeks burning up. Then I walked out from the washroom and started to head back to where Arashi was.

As I walked, I noticed a few girls already watching them from a distance. I rolled my eyes and let out a small sigh. “Yuki-ch… Yuki-kun!” Sho shouted and every girl who was staring at them looked at me with glaring eyes. But slowly their eyes started to become kinder and they began to smile at me. Did I really pull off the boyish look?

“Wow, if I didn’t know you then I would have thought you were a boy instead of a…” Nino said but I quickly interrupted him. “I’ll take that as a compliment I guess… What are you guys doing now?” I asked as I saw Jun, Ohno and Aiba setting up tables and chairs.

“Oh, we’re going to have a BBQ. Since it’s summer and it’s a terrific day outside, a BBQ by the beach is the best way to spend the summer, don’t you think?” Sho asked me with one of his eyebrows raised. I slightly cocked my head and mumbled. “Sure… If you think so.”

I knew Arashi did this for me so I could forget my past experiences but this made it worst. I kept remembering those days when it was my parents, brother and I having a good time together. Going to the beach, having a big BBQ and then watching the sunset... But they didn’t know that by doing this, they had helped me remember more of my past. Oh well, we’ll just have to make new ones in order to get rid of the old ones. Yes, now you’re thinking positively Yuki. Took me a while...

“Yuki-chan, you can sit there. We’ll prepare everything.” Sho said to me with a smile and pointed at the towel with an umbrella on the sand. I bit my lower lip and felt a bit bad that they were going to do everything without my help. “I…” I began to speak when Nino suddenly interrupted me. “Don’t worry. Just relax and enjoy the summer breeze. We’re treating you today.”

I quickly closed back my mouth and eyed at him. He must be getting back at me for I had interrupted him earlier… I did what Nino said and sat on the towel which was under the umbrella. This gave me some time to stare out at the beach filled with people. Families, friends, young couples and even elderly couples were enjoying their time on the beach. Unlike me, I kind of envied all of them.

“Here.” I heard someone say and I looked up to see Aiba with a shy look on his face. He handed me a bottle of water. I made a small smile and said. “Arigato.” I opened the bottle of water and took a sip from it. Then I noticed that he was still standing. “Ah, do you want to sit down?” I asked. Aiba began to hesitate and then I shifted over. He cautiously sat beside me and opened his can of soda.

For a moment, we were both silent. It was still awkward to speak with him and also my feelings for him are now mutual. I did love him but I don’t think I would be able to carry the burden being with him. After what had happened, I think it’s best we stay as friends. But I enjoyed the times we shared together.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and stared at the clear ocean waters. “I just want to apologize for the way I acted towards you and I don’t blame your brother anymore. Jun-kun told me the whole story about your brother being manipulated.” Aiba said as he had an awkward smile plastered on his face and he had his hand on his head. He laughed as he spoke. He wasn’t the only one who was feeling awkward.

I slowly turned my head towards him and then turned back to stare at the sea as I smiled. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you for what you did. But I’m glad you forgive my brother. It is going to take a while but his papers are now being processed again. As well some doctors are researching the drug he had taken so there might be a chance for him to return back to normal.” I said and rested my chin on my knees.

Aiba slowly nodded his head and made a small smile. “Sou ka. I’m glad to hear that.” The atmosphere turned sour again and I was about to get up when Aiba grabbed my wrist. “Where you going?”

With a surprised expression, I said. “I was going to grab some sunscreen.” Aiba widened his eyes at me and turned his head away as his cheeks turned pink. “Oh...” He let go of me and I decided to grab it later. I sat back down and then began to play with my fingers.

“Aiba-san… That day when you confronted me, I wanted to tell you the truth but you had to find out by the difficult way… I hope you can forgive me for not telling you. I just didn’t want to ruin the relationship we had. But over the past few days after Sora-kun got arrested, I began to re-think about my life. I had developed feelings for you and wanted to confess on that day but now I know the truth, I think I’ll be holding off my feelings for a while. I truly did enjoy all those precious moments I spent with you. I hope we can stay as friends.” I said and smiled at him.

He let out a small sigh and then smiled back at me. “Yuki-chan, I fell in love with you when I first saw you singing that day. I instantly fell for your charms and as I got to know you better, I was finding myself falling deeper in love with you. But I can understand why you’re saying this stuff to me. Some feelings for you still remain in my heart but I guess it would be better for the both of us to stay as friends, right?” Aiba extended out his hand and I smiled showing my teeth, which I hardly do unless I’m really happy. I extended my right hand and shook hands with him.

“That was faster than I would have expected… Anyways the food is ready to be barbeque.” Nino said with a grin. We both looked at him and then he quickly walked away. “Ah, well let’s go eat then.” I said as I tried not to stammer. Aiba quickly got up before me and then he extended a helping hand towards me. Since I didn’t want our relationship to turn more awkward, I just took it and he helped me up. We walked towards where everyone was and then I heard whispers coming from behind.

Suddenly there were more girls than before and they kept staring at us. Somehow I got shivers down my spine and didn’t like how we were watched. “This should be cooked… Do you want it Yuki-kun?” Ohno asked.

I looked up and said. “Ah, sure. Arigato.” I stumbled and grab a pair of wooden chopsticks and the plate from Ohno. I shyly ate what Ohno gave me and then Jun nudged me on my arm. “Don’t worry about everyone looking at us. They won’t approach us. Just eat and ignore them.” How does everyone know what I’m thinking about? First it’s Nino and now it’s Jun.

I bit my lower lip and picked up a slice of cooked beef. I followed what had Jun said but I still couldn’t shake off the eyes that were all on me.

~Feeling like I was on my own
I believed I was lonelier than anyone else on this planet
Within the wandering you, I sensed an “eternity”
That’s why I went to your side

The wounds from back then haven’t healed even now
You’re still standing still in the same place~ (Your Eyes)

genre: friendship, rating: pg-14, fanfic, genre: drama, fanfic: request, genre: tragedy, original character, genre: romance, group: arashi, length: chaptered, arashi: matsumoto jun, p: matsumoto jun/oc/aiba masaki, arashi: aiba masaki

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