went to the bills games yesterday. the bills rocked! they are my new second favorite team. my favorite team will always be the saints. who, yes i know, lost yesterday. but they put up a fight and they scored some points. which is more than i can say for the patriots. ahhh... but brady is much cuter than bledsoe. and none of them are as cute as payton manning. (and yes the colts won yesterrday... too bad for the browns)
school today and homework to do. also victory over the TV is mine and i got a universal remote that will change it into video game so i am back living in a world where my gamecube rocks. i am also now living in a world where zelda exists :) good times to come! (i can also watch movies now. good thing i have all those kung fu/godzilla movies.. you never know when i'll be in the mood for strange japanese cinema)
i need to go to the grocery today. i want to go running today. there are lots of things on my to do list.
as a side note i thought i'd mention: i miss so many people so much and i love them all so much. i would name names but it wouldn't come close to being a comprehensive list. i will tell you though that i miss things like going out to the bar with chris and getting drunk and playing darts on days like wendesdays. and i miss coming home those nights at 2 am pleasently tipsy to my apartment with my roomates wide awake. and i miss goofing off with my roomates all night and somehow waking up in the morning and going to class. and i miss family dinner. my macaorni and cheese and colleen's turkey soup. yum.
on that note: good morning :)