Sep 05, 2006 06:38
i think i can start waking up later now . . . i like to wake up extra early the first week of school to figure out how much time I'll need to get ready and get to class on time . . . and yeah, i have too much time right now
i really should update more . . . i feel like there's so much to say when i go a long time w/o updating
well after talking to my theatre advisor i figured out i can graduate in four years, technically that is, but i don't think I will be as prepared if i choose not to take some (sort of extra but really cool) classes . . . I'm going to go talk to my dance prof though before I do my DARS
but yeah, i also figured out this pretty much has to be my last year on strutters . . . which makes me really sad, but I always said I would never be the "lone 4th year" and I think that's what would happen if I stayed another year . . . that and I would mos def have to stay in college 5 years at minimum . . . so now that 4 years is major possibility, I just can't
my birthday's in about 4 weeks!!! yeahhhhh . . . I think Im going to have a big party, so don't be surprised if you get an invite even if you're really far away :-D
okay gotta go eat breakfast and make my lunch, bye bye