(no subject)

Sep 17, 2005 23:26

After wallowing in misery for an indeterminate amount of time, I have come to the conclusion that expressing one's pain and misery through a despairing silence only leads to people IGNORING you, as this is a selfish and uncaring race we are a part of. I even tried cutting myself with the nib of my quill to express physically my emotional and mental toil and agony, in the middle of one of our summer school classes (History of the Magic Word - did we really need to know that much about the history and origins of the word 'please'? In fact all of summer school seemed utterly pointless. An apt reflection of my life.)! And NO-ONE blinked an EYE!

Admittedly the nib was rather blunt and all I ended up with were a few light scratches but it still actually really hurt and I could've done myself DAMAGE! and no-one gave a toss about my ANGUISH!

IN CASE YOU DIDN'T NOTICE, DEATH EATERS KILLED MY MOTHER. (In the middle of June; it was all so sudden and unexpected!) I have NO-ONE left! NO-ONE! And I thought my life sucked before.

It's VOLDEMORT, you know, and his Death Eaters, cruel and heartless and destroyers of my world! I'm, in fact, sure it was the growing tension in our society that lead to my family being ripped apart when my father left, too. And NOTHING is being done about them! But I will not let this lie; you will see, oh yes, you will see...and PAY...

Oh, by the way, everyone should look at this little comic I found when I was looking around on the internets! (I was researching torture methods; I'm not sure how I found this.) It's so cute, look at the little people! It's about people's lives in Hogwarts, I wonder who in particular here it's based on. I made a picture from it! Go look, it's here: hogwartslives!
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