BLACK! Blimming FINALLY. The pain in my eyes each time I open my lap top is diminished. Though not the pain in my life, in my heart.
Oh gosh, it’s the Ball tonight. A chance for everyone to parade around showing me how much better their lives are than mine. For the men to let loose their disgusting base instincts and paw greedily at innocent (or, I suppose in some cases, not-so-innocent, but still undeserving of such mauling) girls. I’m practically ECSTATIC.
Of course, if anyone feels the need to paw at ME, I need just to Accio a broomstick - or something else hard and blunt - and I am sure I can change your mind.
Loathe as I am to put any effort into this BALL malarkey, I am not going in uniform - why go in anything with vile yellow stripes when I can go in all black?
Susan, I assume we are meeting in the common room before this thing starts. Oh, and Cedric. Whatever. If the Wizard Living Prof doesn’t pass us for going as a three, I’ll give her something to think about.