So it's May! Heck yeah. Played a show last night with the Ne'er-do-wells at the Druid City Brewing Taproom. Actually we set up it the brewing room, not the taproom, but it was a fun gig. Done for charity, so no pay, but I did score a couple free beers, so no complaints. I've played for much less. A couple of months ago I had a show a Druid City Brewing, so I've now played both of the Tuscaloosa breweries. Since I have a couple of songs about boozing, I reckon that's congruent.
Had an interview on Monday with the Altamont school. Shitty thing happened, I bought a new suit at Belk on Saturday in preparation for said interview. Tried it on at the store, made the purchase, left the store with it, and hung it up still in the suit bag. When I was getting ready for the interview on Monday, I noticed that the big ol' plastic security sensor thing was hanging off the front suit pocket. Livid doesn't even approach my condition when I saw that. Went to the interview in just the suit pants. Long-story-short I ended up getting a discount on the suit for the inconvenience, but it was an unwanted hassle.
I felt off all day as a result. Funny how a little thing like that can affect you. I made a couple minor but stupid mistakes here and there and my throat was oddly raw. I'm not normally nervous in interviews, but I felt hazy and not at my best. Hope I get the job... but if I don't I'm sure the suit incident will have played a minor but contributing role. Damn it. Oh well, there's still Oak Mountain.
So in other news, Jon Stewart on his Daily Show made a funny insight about people speculating on the 2016 election, which is more that two years away. So naturally trash-news rag, The Bloomberg Whatever, posted
a response about how he was wrong. Bloomberg is of course wrong about Stewart being wrong, but that's no surprise. One of Stewart's points was about the de facto creation of American "royalty" through early predictions of a Clinton-Bush match-up. He even jokingly throws Biden in there, still the fact is early speculation works in favor of the establishment candidates, which was Stewart's whole point of what is wrong with the election process. The Bloomberg Post of course hearts establishment candidates so-darn-big... but whatever. All opinions are equally valid no matter how inane, isn't that the justification for wanting to put the Christian creation myth into high school science texts?
Six days and a seventh to unwind. Makes sense to me.