Facebook is a window on the soul. If you're needy, neurotic, or vain, people will notice.
"Shuffle" is not a cocktail party playlist
Don't take a picture of your wife's butt. That's silly. Take pictures of other people's wives' butts.
No more than 20 tweets in 24 hours
Walking around with a Bluetooth device in your ear is pure douchebaggery.
The whole notion of electronic gadgets conferring status applies only within the small tribe that is geekdom. If you're out among normals, flaunting your tech doesn't make you look like the King of Coolsville, it makes you look like Count Clueless of Dorkylvania.
Don't Blog or Tweet Anything With More Than Half a Million Hits
Don't type BRB. Just go and come back
Ignore Facebook polls
Never bcc anyone
Everyone lies online. In fact, readers expect you to lie. If you don't, they'll think you make less than you actually do. So the only way to tell the truth is to lie.
Hunger and fatigue are not interesting status updates
Break up privately before you break up in public
Wearing headphones means "do not disturb"
Don't Work All the Time - You'll Live to Regret It