Aug 18, 2006 17:43
After giving blood yesterday, I went to Kim's house to go tubing ( despite the warnings- don't go tubing after donating blood ).
There were two tubes and four people. Things started getting rowdy, and Dan Westerman and I were thrown off of our tube somewhat violently. In a dream like moment underwater, knee met face- and won. We resurfaced and he asked if I was ok.
"I don't know yet, gimme a second." I could tell we hit hard, but nothing hurt yet.
"Oh... you're bleeding. A lot."
The boat returned, and Sarah loveland was the rescuer of the day. She gave me a towel- which I bled all over. Blood doesn't bother me all that much, but her words freaked me out.
"I think you bit all the way through your bottom lip."
It kind of hurt, but to be honest I was a lot more scared than I was in pain. Dan drove me to urgent care ( I did leave a bit of a bite mark on his knee!). I definetely bit straight through. The doctor congratulated me.
"You did a nice little number on your lip. Good job!"
I really liked that she called me kiddo. It was funny being in urgent care in a bathing suit, shoeless.
Three and a half hours and 5 stitches later, I was back at Kims.
The amazing part is, it's not really that noticable. My lip's just puffy and it's hard to eat. So if you'd like a laugh, take me out to lunch. (Thanks Matt)