Jul 16, 2006 21:02
Boy, I can't believe it's only half done. Summer is taking it's lazy old time, and I like it. It's really weird not going anywhere. No vacations, no music festivals, no mission trips or road trips or sailing trips or campouts that last longer than a weekend. Meanwhile, everyone else IS doing all of these things, and I am at home enjoying each time a group of friends arrives back from their various locations.
It's really neat to be here, and to enjoy those who are here with me. No matter how many people leave at one time, there are always plenty who stay. These people are SO COOL! I love the opportunity to get to know individuals more personally, because I am forced NOT to spend time with the people I usually do. Not that I don't love them.
So, let me list some advantages to my circumstance:
1. Summer never seems to end
2. I have a crapload of unscheduled time
3. I'm not going to miss the Ann Arbor art fair
4. I'm coming to know and appreciate a lot of new people
5. Every time someone arrives back I realize how much I missed them, and how important they are too me.
It's an endless celebration!
This is all for now. I LOVE EVERYONE SO FLIPPIN' MUCH!