sorry it has been so long

Sep 20, 2008 14:37

hey. so school is in full swing and i am so busy i dont know what to do. this is my schedule

Monday/ Wednesday:
10:30-12: Internship at the children's school
1:15-2:30: Topics in contemporary Fiction
2:45-4: Child development
7:30-9: Statistics Lab

9:35-10:50: Psychological Statistics
12-1:10: brain and Behavior
4:30-5:30: Teaching Hebrew school

9:35-10:50: Psychological Statistics
12-1:10: brain and Behavior
3-5: Baby sitting

Plus i am working in the bike shop, baby sitting random hours involved in the Pitzer mentor program and the Jewish Mentor program and planning a drive.

all in all i am doing to much. it is fun though so i am not worried.

this semester has been going pretty well. i think i am pretty happy even living in my own little state of denial. sometimes it is better to pretend.

As AL taught me: Fake it 'till you feel it.

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